onceabyrne Member


  • Date: July 1 Exercised?: Yes - 2.5 mile hilly hike this morning with my daughter Calories?: Yes — 1330/1490 Tracked?: Yes! This challenge is just what I need! I’ve been part of a diabetes prevention research study at my work since April that requires daily tracking and 150 minutes of exercise per week. This will help with…
  • You guys both look GREAT!! Congrats!!
  • Every weekend I make a double-batch of something... soup, chili, etc. and then I freeze in one cup portions. I've been eating Paleo/Primal since mid-July so everything I have in my freezer is already Whole30 compliant. Perfect for when I don't plan. I also ALWAYS have avocados on hand and frozen vegetables. Avocados go…
  • Well, I'm a Chicago Bears fan. But, I'm also originally from Indy which means I was a Peyton Manning/Colts fan. Which means that sorta by default, I'm a Broncos fan. My brother has been a Broncos fan since he was little (back in the 70's) so he REALLY likes Denver now! I also work for The Ohio State University which means…
  • Yum! I haven't done it in awhile, but I was making a large frittata on Sundays and would have a piece every morning. You can put whatever you want it in - I'd usually saute onions, spinach, kale, and zucIchini, along with some sort of meat for some extra protein. I actually made an individual one for myself today for…
  • I always see offers on Groupon for vibration training and keep thinking I might try it - if nothing else maybe the vibrations will help jiggle and distribute my fat more evenly so it's not all around my tummy (joking!). But seriously, I'm not sure how much it would do for fat loss, muscle toning, etc. but I'm sure that it…
  • Eating below 1,200 can be dangerous. But I'm 5'1" and met with a nutritionist. Had my metabolic profile ran, body fat, etc. etc. I' m very sedentary at work (desk job) so the only exercise I get is from going to the gym, walking, hiking, etc. That being said, we settled on 1,000 daily caloric intake goal and try to stay…
  • You look wonderful and are doing great! Keep it up and you'll reach all of your goals!
  • Good to know! I'm actually considering buying one (today is payday!) and came to the boards to see what others thought of it. Thanks!
  • Thanks all! I love the frittatas and you can change them up to whatever you have around in the house. I'm sure I'll burn out on those eventually. I do boil up a dozen+ hard boiled eggs and usually take them to work for snacks. I'll start grabbing those if I'm in a pinch in the morning. I usually will have salmon for…
  • I just started eating Paleo Friday 7/20 and have lost 6 pounds since then just from increasing my fat drastically, cutting back fruit (I just eat berries), and cutting out dairy 100% (I was drinking soy protein shakes w/ skim milk 2x day). Total calories is still the same. I haven't changed my exercise routine at all. The…
  • I'm going to try to start eating Paleo today. I had already been eating clean (mostly) the past several months and had already ditched the processed foods (mostly) and grains because I know how my body responds to those types of carbs (not well at all). But, I had been drinking Body by Vi shakes for breakfast/dinner. These…
  • I've lost 40 since April and would like to lose 35 more (to get to 125ish, I'm 5.1). Feel free to add me - I'm always looking for motivated MFP friends!
  • Fantastic - you look wonderful! I would love to be able to reward myself with the same! lol :smile:
  • I've been using it since April - for breakfast and dinner - and have lost 35 pounds. I really like it. I also try to do some form of exercise (cardio or strength or both) on at least 5 days per week and for the most part, don't eat a lot of processed foods. Were it not for the shakes (which are soy + the milk) I would be…
  • you look great - and look so much happier! :)
  • I'm certainly no expert at losing weight (although I'm a pro at losing and gaining it back!), but take a look at what you are fueling your body with, not just the bottom line of calories consumed. Again, I'm not an expert but aside from the protein shakes I drink, I try to avoid processed foods altogether and eat as…
  • Wow! You are inspirational! Congratulations!!
  • I've gone up and down with my weight all my life and I'm back at it again. What I have to learn is this is a lifetime thing - eating healthy and become more physically fit. The other times I've lost weight I was pretty black and white about it, I'd follow an eating plan pretty religiously without deviation. That isn't very…
  • I think it depends on the person. I met with a nutritionist when I decided to lose weight (again). We did a bunch of tests first to find an accurate resting metabolic rate, body composition, etc. and settled upon 1,000 calories/day. MFP won't go any lower than 1,200, so I try to stick between 1,000-1,200 even when I work…
  • If I'm trying to get in my veggies/fruits, I'll make a green smoothie and drink it in between meals as my snack. If I want to kick up the protein, I'll add a bit of plain Greek yogurt, but typically get enough protein that I don't need it. I start craving them!
  • Kale! In the winter I would eat a lot of butternut squash, but now that it's warmer, I try to grill everything. Love grilled zuchinni, yellow squash, peppers, and onions. Fresh asparagus (when it's on sale), mushrooms. I try to avoid the starchy vegetables, but sweet potatoes are really good for you!
  • Thanks! I'll be sending y'all some friend requests :)
  • I have a lot to lose... I'm 5'1" and am currently at 199.5 (my highest weight was 235 and lowest adult weight 132). I'd like to get back to 150 and then maintain something healthy and go from there. I met with a nutritionist and did the testing for resting metabolic rate, etc. She put me on 1,000 calories. I try to stay…
  • I have been doing at least 30 minutes of cardio for the last three weeks and strength training 3-4 times a week. I never eat the extra calories I "earn" from exercise.
  • I average around 30g of fiber through my regular diet so I don't add any additional through supplements. I have a green smoothie every day for a mid-morning snack - a great way to get some servings of fresh fruits & veggies in your diet.
  • Congrats for 1) taking the steps to become a healthier you. This isn't a one-size-fits all journey. We each take a different path, although we all hope to reach the same goal - health and wellness; and 2) for having the courage to "confess". It seems like something that was weighing on your mind and hopefully now you will…
  • I've been drinking them for about three weeks and absolutely love them! I drink them between breakfast and lunch and CRAVE them. My energy seems improved and my skin is getting clearer (I have psoriasis). Vitamix has a mix & match green smoothie list that I used to get going. After a bit, you learn what you like. Spinach…
  • I always log everything I plan to eat the night before. Keeps me on track throughout the day and I'll make adjustments accordingly. For me, planning is always the key.