

  • From what I can work out it seems as tho the little bits of exercise were working hand in hand with the body getting used to the changes. It also encourages me to drink the water I need. I'm feeling happier within again and not tired like I was (which was unshakable). I can see the difference too where as before I couldn't…
  • Thank you that make so much sence. And ur right i have hardly any water these last few days where as when i started i was eating exercising and drinking hand in hand. And now i understand about the eating hat i exercise. I dont want to go into starvation mode and undo what i've already done and it probably explains why i'm…
  • I'm not skipping meals (just had 2 boiled eggs on toast), just didnt feel hungry like I normally do at breakfast time. I have cut out alot of carbs where as before it was practically all I ate, my first real carbs were yesterday afternoon where I nearly fell asleep half hour after. If i'm honest i'm not exercising…
  • thanks for the replies guys, loads of tips that seem to make sense> I'm wondering if i'm overfilling my plate cause I'm worried I wont feel full up and even tho its healthy its still too much. anyway, I am starting to see a change but it'll be interesting to see where I am in two weeks time. Nearly fell off the wagon loads…
  • Hey, Cheers for those quick responses its made me feel positive already. I definitely have noticed a difference in my clothes and I'm sure my shape looks different. I've started doing an exercise DvD (had it years and still not got all the way through it) and trying to make myself do min of half hour a day. And I'm…