Never dieted before! How long before I see any sign of weigh

Hi I've never had to diet before so am totally new to all of this and I think I'm beginning to understand what they mean about its a lifestyle change. My diet was always junk food and no exercise and obviously, not being as young as I used to be its starting to show me of the outcome for that.

Its only been 5 days which I know is nothing but I really am trying to make an effort and was wondering how long I should expect it to stay at 0lbs lost for. Its the only encouragement I've got at the moment lol x

Also, does it always feel like your on a diet for the rest of your life or is that the life change? Its all a little bit overwhelming but I don't want to quit before I've even got started as I know, things have got to change no matter what .

I'm worrying about the things I've read about people stop starting with diets (or was it fad diets). And to make matters worse, I bought a Gillian Mckeith 'you are what you eat' book and it looks as though I've got a weak spleen! Aaaaarrgggggggggghhh! What the hell does that mean?

I would so appreciate some fed back as my imagination is now running away with its self, my little frog ticker still isn't moving, and I desperately don't want to get discouraged when I've managed 5days (big deal) already.




  • I feel the same its Day 5 and I’ve actually put weight ON, I’ve tried everything, drank so much water, exercised (which I don’t normally do!!)…..don’t know what to try next!!
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    Each person is different. Just stick with it and you'll start seeing changes. It may not be actual pounds, but you'll feel the looseness in your clothes and feel the clothing fit differently. I suggest getting a tape measure and measure key body parts (legs, stomach, neck, arms) and look for differences in that as well.

    Good luck
  • I never had to worry about my weight really until I had three kids and found myself wanting to lose 20 or more pounds. I started running and counting calories this summer. I did gain a couple of pounds first but started to lose about a month in. It has been a slow process but I have lost 17 pounds in almost 3 months. When I look at it that way it is not so bad! Keep at it. It might take a bit but your body will figure it out. Good luck!
  • cba4994
    cba4994 Posts: 147 Member
    Everybody is different and it is very dependent on what you are doing. By exercising consistently and doing weight training you will increase your metabolism which will help and drinking adequete amts of water will help with water retention. You may want to measure each week also if you aren't already. A lot of times you will see a decrease in inches before a decrease in pounds. Good luck and welcome the MFP!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For now, don't even look on the scale for a couple weeks.

    Focus on eating better and moving more. Know that you're doing this to improve your health... that eating good food will make you a healthier, stronger person regardless of what the scale says. You're doing this because you love and appreciate yourself, and you don't want to take your body for granted. It's out of love, not punishment or hatred.

    The numbers on the scale will drop when they're ready to drop, but don't let the numbers be the goal.

    Also, twenty pounds is really a small amount of weight to lose. Be sure you're set to lose no more than one pound a week, and as you approach your goal (maybe around 10 pounds to go), switch it to a half pound a week.
  • Stay strong and be sure to log everything you put in your mouth and also that you are measuring and not guestimating. Calories are sneaky and everyone that you eat counts against weight loss. If you cheat, you are only cheating yourself. Log everything!
    I just started a few weeks ago and didn't lose an ounce for about ten days, then it started coming off a few ounces at a time. I got down to 9# lost and then got lax and put back on 3#.
    I'm only aiming for a pound a week loss which is all I can manage in caloric cuts - otherwise I start binging. This is a mental battle more than a physical one.
    Friend me if you want. Everyone is fighting the same battle.
  • Hey,

    Cheers for those quick responses its made me feel positive already. I definitely have noticed a difference in my clothes and I'm sure my shape looks different. I've started doing an exercise DvD (had it years and still not got all the way through it) and trying to make myself do min of half hour a day. And I'm drinking more water. For sure tho my biggest motivator has been finding this fitness pal. I'm proper obsessed now with adding everything I've eaten. (even if I did lie to myself on day one).

    Can anyone out there help me to understand about the spleen????????
