

  • Do yourself a favor - go to a shelter and adopt a mutt. It will be the best companion you could ever imagine. When you rescue a dog they spend the rest of their life thanking you. And if you're really hung up on getting a husky - I'm sure those end up in shelters too.
  • I don't have any pointers becuase I'm the same way so I'm just hoping some people out there do have some good tips. Seems like when my day goes bad I stop caring and lose sight of my goals.
  • You're on the right track, I'm sure you'll do great. It's definatley great motivation being here.
  • I'm so glad there are other vegetarians on here! I went veggie about a year and a half ago and lost over twenty pounds without even trying. Now I just need to lose the weight I gained from being lazy this summer and drinking too much beer! I love trying new things from the vegetarian section in the grocery store. Yves…