I am going to post days that work for me cause i only get 1.5 weekends off a month and when i work keeps getting picked haha. I am available may 31, june 1,2,7,8,9 if we are doing weekends only.
amazing and inspirational, i hope to write something similar to you one day!
Calgary, Allberta! welcome :) and feel free to add!
stick to it cause you can do it and think of the benifiets if you do and people able to be a healthy example for your little guy and keep up to him ;)
I really neeed to read something like that..Thank you :)
I'm 5'1 3/4 [every inch counts ;) ] and am 150 and looking to be 120 ( mid to lower section of our bmi) I would accept 115 but no less. I'm curvy and have weighed less then 120 before and I was a size 1 and looked unhealthy. So i'm hoping to get there then stay or maybe lose a few more if i feel.
shoulders and jaw!
terresaj you totally look mid or early 30s.
thank you! close, 23.
I'm a curvy and have a larger bust so i'm going for mid bmi of 115-125.
youre in a living room with a fireplace.
thanks :)
thank you so much! that's very helpful :)
9, looking great, love your blue eyes!
i've gotten skipped twice :(
10,love the fun picture and you look great :)
I'd like to participate as well please :)
Inspirtional, yo make me feel like i CAN do this! Thank you.
how tall are you? whats your bmr? how old are you? and and is your general calorie intake? starvation mode is dangerous, especially for females.
Max workout? link?