

  • Congratulations!!!!! Job well done!!!!
  • QOTD 11/20/11 - Do you take supplements on a daily basis? Do you find it helps or hinders your weight lose goal? Just like weight lose, sometimes I am on again and sometimes I am off again. When I am on, I take calcium, vitamin D, Magnesium, and Omega 3. For some reason, I find that if i take my supplements, I excercise…
  • You are CRAZY!!!!!!!!! Had a good laugh and burnt 20 calories doing it. Thanks
  • WOW!!!!!!!! You have lost a whole person....amazing.....way to go!!!!!!!
  • Monday October 24, 2011 QOTD: When is your favourite time of day to work out? Do you find it makes a difference? I like to work out in the morning and have a nice walk in the evening. I find that if I work out in the morning, I have more energy and i pay closer attention to what i eat during the day because i know how hard…
  • QOTD Monday 10/17/2011: Can you see an improvement thus far in your weight loss journey? How are you staying motivated to continue to lose weight? I have seen improvement in my weight loss journey. I feel that my body is toner and I have more energy. I am able to complete my workout routines with greater ease. I have more…
  • Rhonda...It has NOT been all for nothing.....you ARE eating better then you did and you ARE looking wonderful, amazing and trimmer. Not that i was looking but you looked great in those black pair of pants the other day. Change comes in baby steps not huge leaps and you have been taking baby steps...just keep it up and you…
  • QOTD Oct. 10, 2011: What is your self talk like (ie. critical, supportive, enabling, happy, etc.)? Are you aware of your self talk? If it's negative, what are you doing to change it? I will have to admit my self talk is fairly positive. When I head down to do my workout in the morning, i start off positive and then a few…
  • I have used Chalean Johnson's workouts and find that she focuses on the abs/core throughout most of her workouts. She is motivating and I love listening to her while doing the workouts at the same time. She is a wealth of information. You can find her workout programs at Beachbody.com. If you're interested in any of the…
  • You're really making me think now. I have been doing strength training and only consuming around 1200 calories daily. This week i lost 3 lbs...but is that necessarily good? I am not sure now. I will have to research this a little more. I will see what Chalean Johnson has to say. I will let you know what I find out. Thanks
  • QOTD 10/6/11 Thursday: What is your workout routine? Do you always do the same thing? Do you mix it up? What kind of music is on your iPod (if you use one)? Currently I am following the Chalean Extreme Program and I am loving it. I do 3 days of weights a week, 1 day of endurance and 1 day of intervals. There is also a…
  • QOTD 10/5/11 Wednesday - What do you think was the biggest factor in your weight gain? What do you think is the biggest factor in your successfuly weight loss? The biggest factor in my weight gain is mindless eating. Eating to satisfy a craing and not really paying attention to how much I eat. I also have a problem with…
  • 10/3 MONDAY QOTD. I thought I do something fun, so here we go. If you could have any celebrity body part, shape etc,. who would it be? Shania Twain's everything