

  • I have finished the P90X lean program about three months ago and have recently started the classic version you can find my Journey throught it all at: I love P90X I just need to keep focused and I find having a blog keeps me going. We can help each other out! I know I need all the…
  • Kenpo X is one of my favorites!!!
    in Week 1 Comment by stochat January 2012
  • You're doing great!!! Those Dreya rolls will come with time!!
    in Week 1 Comment by stochat January 2012
  • I'm in my second week of p90x. We can encourage each other. Check out my blog. at This is my second round. I love it!!!
  • This is my Journey:: I feel I have lost inches in the belly!!
  • Congratulations on your P90X journey. I'm in week 11 in the Lean program. When I finish I plan to do the Classic. I'm a 55 year old grandma and love it. You can follow my Journey here: :) good luck!!