

  • heyy every1 so its a lil late to weigh in ryt now so goin to check bak 2morra but just fort id check in today befor i forget ha so nywy jus had such a bad day! :| had apple n banana for breakfast, a cookie just before lunch, then went to fatsos had brown bun no butter with chicken and salad (btw has ny1 heard of fatso's…
  • heyy every1 its bn months since i checked in but iv bn sooo busy n stil managed to a few pounds n finally get into the 11stone area jus weighed myself ther n am 11st 11lbs :smile: and this is without ny actual exercise or healthy eating i think its jus down to me bein busy at college and work all the time that i burn off…
  • okay so had some good news i weighed in at 12st today :happy: but dont really feel like iv lost this weight and i am a bit down on my appearance atm. also only been 3 days n am stressed n nackered, but now im doin full time college mon-fri n workin 14hrs sat-sun :indifferent: this will b my first full week so hoping i dnt…
  • yerr i did go on holi, didnt leave the country like but i wos doin a lot of walking but the only option to eat wos junk so its down to that really bcos i dnt think ther wos a healthy meal in any restraurant not salads or nothing jus side salads but nywy i kno i weighed in yest but im gna go agen tday bcos i had a ful…
  • heyy newcomers n every1 so i weighed in, after iv eaten which is a stupid thing probs but iv put on 3lbs over 2 weeks :grumble: so this means im putting myself on a target of losing 5lbs this month and finally reaching 12st dead on my treat will be to buy some new clothes and the new fast and furious at the end of the…
  • heyy everyone i havent posted for a while since lots has bn happenin n iv bn bak n forth to diff places but first off wel done magnet, keep it up :happy: i usd the scales to weigh myself in yesterday, but i never go from them as they r alwys a few lbs off eher way n tend to use my wii fit but nywy after about a week and…
  • haha thanks :happy: yer im 12st 2lbs ryt now, but am goin on holiday this saturday until next wednesday so it could be 5 very bad days or i might not gain anything, i think i would prefer the second one haha. so anyway im gna tek it slow from now and with no choice really since im at college and work so im never going to…
  • no its not that college strts at 7, i just need to get up at 7 to get ready for the bus which comes a1 8 n college strts at 830 n i tink it finishes at 4ish but i dnt get home til 5:indifferent: im rlli hoping i can keep losing weight but im really nervous that i wnt b able to but at least im at college so i can eat…
    in stresssed! Comment by sean93 August 2009
  • heyy so im going to weigh in 2morra morning and i hav a good feeling about having a 2lb weight loss :happy: also iv changed my ticker to lose another 7lbs as my frst goal is nearly done and i think i still need to lose more, but i wos in the changing rooms in h&m today and i looked really different but in a good way haha…
  • haha yerr anoo iv brushed my teeth twice since i had it yest n i still stunk but thn i went n had it agen for lunch today haha
    in sandwich Comment by sean93 August 2009
  • sooo had a good day yest exercise and eating n did have 2 biscuits but i think thy fitted into my cal :tongue: butt today bn to a bbq and i wasnt THAT bad i had only had a butterd bun befor hand n thn at the bbq i had 2 small burgers in bun, sausage in bun n piece of pork so idk :indifferent: i cut the grass today though…
  • thanks people, i wasnt trying to be hard on myself its just frustrating when you see people the same height and weight but they look so much better and i don;t understand why i have to lose another 14lbs to look how they do and i dont mean that in a jealous way because i try really hard to get where i am now with eating…
  • soo lost another pound but its sort of strange.. monday i did only have a 2 slice granary bread, ham and pickle (no butter) then on the night i i had a lotttt drink n we had a takeaway but i only ate 1 slice of pizza, half a tub of chips n bits of kebab meat and then yest i spent most the day sleepin but had crisps, choc,…
  • heyy so i reached my goal for july and then some :happy: managed to lose an extra 2lbs than i planned and lost overall 8lbs in july !!! so my target for the end of august is to get to around 12st 2-3lbs but really it would be great if i could round it off at 12st this month but i have partys and a holiday this month so i…
  • heyy sooo its my bithday tomorow and i think i deserve a bit of a break so today iv had around 800cals niv been gardening haha and now im going to have a choc bar i got for my birthday which only puts me over things by a bit :smile: thennn i think takeaway 2morra n chocolate agen but sunday is going to be workout and…
  • heyy everyone, so i went on the scales which are generally just 1lb off and it sed iv lost 2lbs but i havent logged it bcos i use the wii fit scales as i find them mor reliable :smile: so anywy i had around 400 calories until 7pm and my mam gave me dinner which was penakalti and the corn beef in it wos very high in cals,…
  • what if you bake potatoes without adding any cooking oil or anything, then they are good for you right?
  • so i went to the cinema to see harry potter which i fort wos rubbish lol but i wos good and just hada slushie and a hanful of starbursts ahaa so i weighed in this morning and im still at 12st 10lbs:ohwell: only got few more days and i need to lose 1lb to reach my goal for july !! nywy good luck everyone, hope we all reach…
  • it was only my first meal but iv tried to work it out and cals = 400-500ish and fat = 8g, so i think thats good:ohwell: anyway managed to do a workout sesh and did extra jogging laps and sit ups which makes today the most iv ever done i think :happy: and i only realised it was a week today til my birthday and i set mysef a…
  • heyy so had a good day but bad night yesterday :ohwell: lol ate pretty well througout the day but then i got in late last night after getting back from round the mates and ended up eating lindt choc bar bcos i wos hungry and cudnt be bovered cooking. has anyone else noticed that lindt dont put the nutrional facts on their…
  • Heyy i also had/have this problem, as i know you can't target a specific area though you can tone an area up. But jogging, running is probs the best fat burner as i have lost quite a lot of belly fat and it has become a lot tighter, i still have a quite a bit to go yet but in 1-2 months i saw huge differences and…
    in belly fat Comment by sean93 July 2009
  • heyy i havent had the best past two days with no exercise at all except walking around towfor like 3 hours shopping and after my mam making tagletelli with very hugh fat, cal, sat fat sauce yesterday and having a load of ice cream on tuesday iv still lost weight on my weigh in today :smile: of course if i do this all the…
  • yeah thanks iv found their website and the nutional facts are on there :smile:
    in zumo? Comment by sean93 July 2009
  • heyy everyone:happy: havent weighed in since yesterday morning when i lost 2lbs, but yesterday i ate a lot, lot, lot of ice cream lol :ohwell: and today iv just have a fruit smoothie and a tuna salad sandwich but my mam is making taglatelli with double cream sauce :indifferent: havent done any exercise since saturday as…
  • Morning everyone:bigsmile: weighed in earlier and im down 2lbs, which puts me 1lb away my target for the end of july :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: && im going to see the new harry potter on saturday night with few mates, so its good then? cos iv never read a single one of those books lol thinking about starting this 30…
  • heyy simplicity, wel i read your profile and u started about a stone heavier than me and are about a stone lighter than me now so i was just wondering your height to see if we are progressing towards the same place?
  • hahaa good luck on ya date hope it aint boring lol and yerr i dont always eat at night but i cant go to sleep when im hungry so i do tend do have some fruit or low sugar, cal and fat cereal, well until the past week or so but it looks like i could be back on track :bigsmile: and iv only got my workout in about an hour and…
  • &&&& o i forgot i also resisted having a burger last night as my mam and dad had there dinner about 8-9pm and they had 3 burgers left over but i turned them down and had a bowl of cornflakes instead:bigsmile:
  • Heyy katherine it went verrry verry well :smile: i had my dinner quite early which was jacket potatoe with tuna so i had a bowl of plain cornflakes around 9 and i weighed myself in this morning and iv lost that 1 lb i had put on :bigsmile: thanks for your help katherine going to do another workout sesh today and have the…
  • yeaah thanks kpnuts im going to try tonight and going to force myself not to have anything because this time im more aware of it :noway:
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