

  • Its a start! Starting weight - 196lbs as of today! 11/12 - 194 11/19 - 193 11/26 - 12/03 - 12/10 - 12/17 - 12/24 - I've started working out more and drinking more water. I was down to 191 but this weekend killed me. Was on the road and I find it hard to eat healthy and work out when on the road. I will have to work on…
  • Start weight - 198 pounds 12/11 - 195 19/11 - 26/11 - 03/12 - 10/12 - 17/12 - 24/12 - 3 lbs is not shabby. Here is to getting my butt of the couch.
  • Great idea on the challenge. I do need help on this one. My issue is I am a teacher and I can't go to the bathroom when ever I need. Because of this I don't drink as much water as I should. Anyone have some thoughts on this or what I might be able to do differently? I would love to be able to complete this challenge.
  • Obviously you don't live in my neck of the woods. Here the mall is so crowded there are no spots, not even far away. They do a shuttle service on weekends from a near by park and ride. To find a spot you have to stalk people leaving to get theirs. It is like a crazy game of cat and mouse. I try to avoid the mall,…
  • I don't think it is crazy to try to lose during the holidays. There is no time like the holidays to work out. Working out is the best stress reliever. Ticked off you can't find parking at the mall? Try some kick boxing. Frazzled from trying to find the right gift? Get centered with some Yoga. My goal is to not stress eat…
  • This is so what I needed. Thanks for doing this. Every Bit helps Starting weight - 196lbs as of today! 11/12 - 11/19 - 11/26 - 12/03 - 12/10 - 12/17 - 12/24 - We should have weekly challenges or dares. I know my first challenge is to get off by butt and work out for at least 3 hours a week. I have one down today!
  • Count me in. I want to be able to look good for New Years eve with my husband and I can use some motivation. Especially around the holidays. I need people to keep me on track.
  • Hi, I'm Tracy and I have a degree in Physics and right now I am teaching teens the love of science and trying to persuade them to become science majors. I have a handful that are in schools for chemical engineering and mechanical engineering. I would love to have more majoring in science but I am just happy that I am…
  • Does Rockland County count? I know it is Lower Hudson Valley but it is not that far away
  • Hi, I did MFP last year with just counting calories with some success but my problem is not being serious. I am flirting with the 200lb mark and I do not like that. I don't like how my clothes are getting tighter. For some reason I just can't seem to get serious. I guess because no one around me has been serious about…