PrimalMorningMoon Member


  • Me! I am! I'm practicing...and I do mean practicing :) ... a low carb per Protein Power with Primal lifestyle philosophies and mostly Paleo choices. Even auto-immune/anti-inflammatory protocols. No eggs, no dairy, no nightshades, no gluten or grains, no sugar. Real food, organic, grass-fed, local. That's the plan, anyway.…
  • Back at MFP, back to LC. Need support. Real Name: Joy Height: 5'3" HW: 214 CW: 193 GW: 175 UGW: 145 Location- Inland Northwest, Washington State Age: 55 Sex: F 4 Adult Children, 3 Grandchildren + 1 On The Way! Separated Diet Plan-Protein Power with a Paleo/Primal Twist, and Auto Immune leanings. No eggs. Very limited dairy…
  • Try a breve latte at starbucks. Steamed half and half...none of the sugar all of the fat. :) It's rich and sweet and decadent. A tiny bit of stevia if you can't get used to it plain. Mmmmm.
  • Do you know what the imagination concocts for icky and unsanitary half-eaten peanut-butter-and-nanner sammiches in the gym? Doesn't that smell? ;)
  • There are also electrolyte laced waters available. Smart Water is one, but I know there are others. The positive thing about that is there is no flavor or saltiness.
  • oops...must read whole posts... ;)
  • I had never hard giblets before a couple months I bogart them and cook and eat them when no one else is around so I don't have to share! I melt a bunch of butter in a skillet and fry them up until they're done and butter-y brown. DEEEEEE...licious.
  • Did you find the group yet? If you go to Community and look at the menu banner across the top of the page under the tabs you will see Groups. Then you can find the Primal Life, tips from the cave...or something close to that. PEM is Primal Essential Movements. push up, pull up, squat, and plank. Overhead press is the…
  • I don't know what the protocol is these days. I remember net carbs being an atkins or protein power thing. It makes some sense to count out the insoluble fibers that come in our food, that don't have any effect on insulin, etc. But it's also another way to gimmick up what we're doing here. JMO.
  • I walk almost every day, I hike more seriously a time or two a week (which will include snowshoeing and xc skiing as winter comes to the mountains). I do body weight exercises, often while walking outdoors, and a bit of kettlebell stuff. I do some sprints from time to time. I do yoga once or twice a week. I have a…
  • I walk almost every day, I hike more seriously a time or two a week (which will include snowshoeing and xc skiing as winter comes to the mountains). I do body weight exercises, often while walking outdoors, and a bit of kettlebell stuff. I do some sprints from time to time. I do yoga once or twice a week. I have a…
  • I have fished and cleaned the catch...and cooked it up in butter! I've helped with cutting up two deer that have come my way. I would like to go hunting, and possibly take up fishing more seriously. I haven't yet figured out how to go about doing that since I have no gear, no skillz, and only a teeny clue! :)
  • Srsly. Bad. Day. I think I am pre-menstrual, or perhaps it was the full moon, but good grief the cravings for chocolate were INTENSE!!!!!!! And not dark chocolate. Anyway....planning a better day today. Starting right now. The weather has scrapped a hike I had planned with a friend. Next time we go out it will probalby be…
  • Well, it's nice to be inspiring. :blushing: I used to be a sort of a lump...though that was a long time ago. I really do like the way exercising makes me feel...short term and long term. Except for yoga, I almost always prefer to be outside, even in the rain. Once in awhile I use the recumbent bike at the Y. Or…
  • OH! Is groups a new thing??? I just saw one...yeah, a group would work nicely if you are up to moderating for now. :) I could help if you want some.
  • I had lunch out at a Thai restaurant. It will be probably 3 meals, so that's good. The Spouse took yet another double shift, so I stopped by the market on my way home from walking and feeding the horses. I bought a ribeye and ricotta cheese and raspberries. dinner EVER! ;) Not real high on the spectrum today,…
  • A gorup some place else? Why? Just wondering.
  • Spouse would kill me if I ate all three meals out today! Maybe one, later. :) That, and I hate talking about what I'm doing...not a good witness, ya know. :) Obviously, the challenges are going to be a challenge today! Hope you all have a good Wednesday...half the week gone already-sheesh.
  • I live on the Eastside, (of lake WAshington) near Woodinville. I lived in Spokane for 12 years. I've been here for 10. I LOVE summers here, but it seems like they're getting shorter and shorter 2 months of sunshine is NOT enough. Which of course means the winters are getting LONGER...and winter means rain. I'm not CERTAIN,…
  • My farmer's market day is Saturday...I love going. Not only the food, but the people watching is fun! I'm hoping to make it a habit through the winter. Maybe even the Spouse will join me sometimes. :) The sun was nice today in the PNW. I sadly did not get out into it much before 3 and it was pretty weak by then. It's cold…
  • Great job on the sprints, horsepal! I had a terribly lazy day and only sorta did the workout that was prescribed. I did do the PEM with intensity, though. Here's my journal for today. I'm going back to my crocheting and tv. :) The PNW rain really sucks the energy right out o' me some days.…
  • I have a 7lb Bob Harper kettlebell I got at Target. It's too light and I will soon at least double the weight, when I move to the next level. It;s good for learning the moves and I can feel the work. I enjoy this workout... and look at a lot of videos online. Fun stuff.
  • My journal for today. I'm tired...think I will watch tv, drink tea, and go to bed. :)
  • Yesterday's journal. Two weeks down...and feeling great! Since I took a rest day earlier this week, today I'm going to do a kettlebell workout and probably work in the yard...I think the sun is shining. I am loving waking up before the alarm and…
  • Hi New Peoples! Welcome, and yay! More support...don't ever confuse me with altruistic! :) It is so nice to share! I have horses, but don't ride...they are unbroke Comstock mustangs out of Nevada. They have a really good life, with handy food, fresh water, and no predators...lazy ponies. :) Nothing like their wild…
  • The shrimp sounds tasty...I saw the photo on your blog....I'll try it soon. The pumpkin soup sounds yummy too. Can you find some exercise that hurts less than what you're trying to do now. No pain no gain, NO WAY! bike? swim? does riding hurt? It really is good exercise...if you had a hr monitor I bet it would show you in…
  • Here is the inverted row/modified pull up exercise I've been doing. I use my table or playground equipment at the park...a horizontal bar of any sort works. I keep my knees bent for the modified version...I can't do it straight yet. :)…
  • I'll keep going, start over, whatever...and I am all about modifying and making it fit where I am and what my life looks like at the time. As I mentioned when we started, I do quite well with some structure, so this is very helpful for me. One of my friends here is thinking of starting soon (she just ordered the book, I…
  • I dunno about you, but I think I already have been implementing the work performance thing. Not having to go work someplace else is part of it (I volunteer at my local YMCA but Id on't really count that fully). I made at the very least a plan the night before and usually a list of things that need done. And like last…