Primal Blueprint 21 Day Transformation



  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    I'll keep going, start over, whatever...and I am all about modifying and making it fit where I am and what my life looks like at the time. As I mentioned when we started, I do quite well with some structure, so this is very helpful for me. One of my friends here is thinking of starting soon (she just ordered the book, I think she said) so hopefully our group will grow.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    That's great! I hope anyone who has a mind to will jump in at any time!
  • horsepal
    horsepal Posts: 19 Member
    Primal Pumpkin Soup

    1 quart (more or less) roasted fresh pumpkin

    1 can coconut milk I also needed a bit more I used another 1/2 C of a carton of fresh coconut milk

    2 T Curry Powder

    1 onion sauted, roasted or boiled

    I also used some chicken bullion paste or just salt and pepper or other seasoning to taste

    put it all in a soup pot and blend it with an emersion blender or you can run it through your food processor.
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Here is the inverted row/modified pull up exercise I've been doing. I use my table or playground equipment at the park...a horizontal bar of any sort works. I keep my knees bent for the modified version...I can't do it straight yet. :)
  • horsepal
    horsepal Posts: 19 Member
    Yummmm Fresh figs...they must be primal...they certainly look it!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Cindy, thanks for the recipe!

    Graysgirl, you should try the the MDA recipe for creamy macadamia shrimp. That used coconut milk, and was one of the best things I've had in awhile. :)

    Journal Entry: Day 12 Success Score (1-10): 9

    Primal Recipe, Part 2

    Go Coco-nuts

    Products used: Coconut oil, coconut milk, flaked coconut
    Elements you will integrate into diet long-term: All
    Hardest part: cost
    Best part: Coconut is yummy!
    Comments: I've been doing this from day one. Sweet tooth is taken care of by a little coconut cream on fresh kiwis. Using coconut oil for all cooking, like eggs, sauteing veggies, etc

    PEM Workout

    There was supposed to be a workout? Dang

    Nurture your Intimate Social Circles

    Intimate Circle Connections: Parents, and cousins
    Social circle connections: My mfp buds, kfc buds (Keeping a Family Cow community)
    Hardest part: None
    Best part: Having family and friends
    Elements to integrate into lifestyle long-term: All of it.
    Comments: Had a wonderful dinner with my parents last night. We talked for hours, no tv or computer. Shared a primal meal. We do this several times a week, and is something we'll always do. You can't neglect the people closest to you!

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels 1-10: 8
    Hunger level between meals 1-10: 2
    Satisfaction levels with meals 1-10: 10
    Struggles today with Primal efforts: Steve took the day off, so messed up my workout routine. We had errands to do, too.
    Benefits noticed from Primal efforts: The hunger is subsiding
    Daily highlight/s: Steve wanted to eat out tonight. Instead, we got some fried chicken from wm, brought it home and had sauteed zucchini and mushrooms as a side. We also got a bag of veggie chips to indulge in while we watch a movie tonight. It shows an ability to compromise that makes this WOE possible for the long-term.
    Daily needs-to-improve: Ditto this from yesterday. Need to fully commit to working out. I am trying, but pain keeps stopping me. I struggle with whether I should take it easy, or power through.
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member

    Graysgirl, you should try the the MDA recipe for creamy macadamia shrimp. That used coconut milk, and was one of the best things I've had in awhile. :)

    Need to fully commit to working out. I am trying, but pain keeps stopping me. I struggle with whether I should take it easy, or power through.

    The shrimp sounds tasty...I saw the photo on your blog....I'll try it soon. The pumpkin soup sounds yummy too.

    Can you find some exercise that hurts less than what you're trying to do now. No pain no gain, NO WAY! bike? swim? does riding hurt? It really is good exercise...if you had a hr monitor I bet it would show you in the zone! Great core workout. Hope you canf ind something. On that note, my resting heart rate is just above 50. !!! When i am doing 70% I don't feel like I am expending ANY effort. Using the talk test, I can do up to 80% and still sing. :) It freaks me out, cuz I don't know whawt to maake of it. I THINK it's good and must come from the hiking...

    Anyway, here's the link to today's journal. I'm going to do yoga tomorrow for the first time in awhile and i am pretty stoked. :) have a great SAturday!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I want to buy a bike so bad, but just haven't been able to. I would love to get into biking. I am riding much more since my foot started acting up. I've tried yoga and pilates, using the elliptical. Those all cause severe flares. And I am walking more, just taking it a bit easier than I used to. Our walking around here is more like hiking, as there are no flat areas. Living in the mountains is great for fitness. I was walking 4 miles a day in under 60 min 6 times a week before my injury. I'd only get winded up the biggest hill, which is between 1/8 and 1/4 of a mile long. I miss that so much! :(

    I'm planning to ride today, maybe I will wear my HRM. My average ride is about 6 or 7 miles, and we jog and log at least half of it. I can tell you, even still after a ride like that I feel my muscles the next day through my core and thighs! (I bet Sully does, too!)

    I'm planning to do a PEM today too. I think I'll push it hard. Need to work off last night's chicken and veggie chips.

    Just a note: After my cheat dinner, even though it was still relatively low carb, I am having trouble sleeping, am terribly thirsty (all that sodium) and have indigestion. I've been sleeping very well since starting the challenge. Another incentive for Primal! ;)
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Hi Grok Girls! My name is Brandi and I have been following Primal roughly since July. I was diagnosed with diabetes in June. Primal has reversed my diabetes! I'm down 39 lbs (kind of at a plateau at the moment). I guess I would consider myself 80% because I don't always have grass fed and organic available to me. Also I still indulge in light beer. Other than that, NO beans, NO bread, NO pasta, NO white flour..... I've done well.
    I pre ordered the 21 DAY. I haven't started it yet though. My dad passed away 3 weeks ago and we are having his service in a week and I'm also having to move to help my mom out. So I will be moving this month. I think once I get moved then I can focus on the 21 day. I'm excited to go through it.
    I'm very excited to meet some Grok Gals!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Primal Challenge: Day 13

    Success Score: 10

    Top of Spectrum: N/A
    Comments: There is no way to implement this both in our area and on our budget. The small range of organic items available are priced too high for the average person to afford. We do have organic raw milk and milk products when our cow is in milk, but she's dried off until the first of December. It's a huge step just to be purchasing the amount of meat and nuts for Primal, so I'm celebrating that!

    Moderate Duration Aerobic Workout
    Activity: horseback riding and grooming/care
    Duration: 2 hours in the saddle, an hour of grooming and tacking/untacking
    Location: 6 miles of roads around our home
    Comments: Wore my HRM (Omron) and was at least 50% of max the whole 3 hours. Was at 75% and above for about 30-45 min.

    Get Adequate Sunlight

    Was today an appropriate day to get some sun exposure? Definitely!
    Minutes of exposure: 180
    Parts of body: Face, some arms
    Hardest part: none
    Best part: Enjoying an awesome fall ride, though it was a little cool!
    Suggestions you can integrate long-term: I'm outside whenever possible. Even on rainy days I'm out for at least 30min every day for feeding and chores.

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels: 10
    Hunger levels between meals: 3
    Satisfaction with meals: 10
    Struggles today with Primal efforts: I really wanted get in a PEM workout, but got tied up in the morning, and spent the afternoon out with the horse.
    Benefits noticed from Primal Efforts: My stamina on my ride today was great. Also, I FORGOT to eat a snack. I was starving for supper, but the hunger didn't hit till close to dinnertime.
    Daily highlights: Did not seem to hold water after last nights fried chicken. That's unheard of!
    Daily needs to improve: Still sticking with the PEM
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Welcome Brandi! Is that right? I'm so tired right now I can hardly think straight. :p Jump in whenever you like!

    Grok on, ladies!
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Welcome Brandi! Is that right? I'm so tired right now I can hardly think straight. :p Jump in whenever you like!

    Grok on, ladies!
    yes! Thank you! I'm very excited. I see a couple people with pics with their horses. Even though I don't ride anymore, I've had horses all my life! How funny.

    Had a pretty good Primal day. Pretty low carb day for me as I wasn't super duper hungry today. I had one square of 72% dark chocolate. :bigsmile:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Hi New Peoples! Welcome, and yay! More support...don't ever confuse me with altruistic! :) It is so nice to share! I have horses, but don't ride...they are unbroke Comstock mustangs out of Nevada. They have a really good life, with handy food, fresh water, and no predators...lazy ponies. :) Nothing like their wild ancestors (or peers) in the wild. Definitely primal though.

    I just wanted to quick check in before I hit the sack. I had a pretty good primal day. Ate high on the spectrum, per the challenge, with fresh oysters on the half-shell from the farmer's market....pulled out of the ocean nearby just a couple of days ago. Oh-so-yummy! Also local grass fed steak, Starbuck's coffee (does that count???), and then coconut dates for a treat. Yoga was wonderful and raking leaves in the sunshine was excellent. Obviously, a really good Saturday!

    I'll get my journal out in the morning. Take care you all!
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Hi New Peoples! Welcome, and yay! More support...don't ever confuse me with altruistic! :) It is so nice to share! I have horses, but don't ride...they are unbroke Comstock mustangs out of Nevada. They have a really good life, with handy food, fresh water, and no predators...lazy ponies. :) Nothing like their wild ancestors (or peers) in the wild. Definitely primal though.

    I just wanted to quick check in before I hit the sack. I had a pretty good primal day. Ate high on the spectrum, per the challenge, with fresh oysters on the half-shell from the farmer's market....pulled out of the ocean nearby just a couple of days ago. Oh-so-yummy! Also local grass fed steak, Starbuck's coffee (does that count???), and then coconut dates for a treat. Yoga was wonderful and raking leaves in the sunshine was excellent. Obviously, a really good Saturday!

    I'll get my journal out in the morning. Take care you all!
    Awesome day! I like mustangs. I grew up with registered american quarter horses... a little different route... but a horse is a horse! we love them all!
    fresh oysters sound awesome! I just found a farm that has grass fed beef close to me. They typically market to the big city area because that's where they profit from... not our really rural area. But I found their site through a strange avenue and I contacted them to see if I made an order for next year if it would be something I could pick up since i'm local. They typically just talk about delivery to Portland, where there business is done. I was excited.
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Yesterday's journal.

    Two weeks down...and feeling great! Since I took a rest day earlier this week, today I'm going to do a kettlebell workout and probably work in the yard...I think the sun is shining. I am loving waking up before the alarm and early! Of course, I usual feel like going to bed by 9 or 930!
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Sounds like a great day for you!
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Yesterday's journal.

    Two weeks down...and feeling great! Since I took a rest day earlier this week, today I'm going to do a kettlebell workout and probably work in the yard...I think the sun is shining. I am loving waking up before the alarm and early! Of course, I usual feel like going to bed by 9 or 930!
    what kind/how heavy of kettlebell's do you use?
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Primal Challenge: Day 14

    Success Score: 10

    Sweet Spot Calculations

    Areas to improve:proteins a little low
    Worst part of results: not one today!
    Best Part: I had a really good, successful day.
    Comments: I wish every day could be as effortless as this one has been.

    Rest Day

    Comments: Didn't rest. Took a 3 mile walk/hike as my foot was feeling tons better.

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels: 10
    Hunger levels between meals: 0
    Satisfaction with meals: 10
    Struggles today with Primal efforts:Did not find myself struggling today
    Benefits noticed from Primal Efforts: Hunger's really improving, getting farther apart and not as severe.
    Daily highlights: lots of water, ate dinner with family and stayed primal.
    Daily needs to improve: Still sticking with the PEM

    Week 2 Reflections

    Week 2 Success score: 9
    Days 1-14 success score: 9
    Improvements on needs to improve areas: Hmm.
    Diet success score: 10 Comments on diet challenges:There is no challenge for me until the calorie restriction, which is self-imposed. But I am doing well with it.
    Exercise success score: 9 Comments on challenges: Did not do a single PEM last week. Did walk and ride a lot, though.
    Lifestyle success score: 5 Comments on challenges: did the barefoot thing minimally. And the social thing.
    Weekly highlights: Finding out I can count riding toward my aerobic exercise.
    Weekly needs to improve: PEM
    Steps to improve needs to improve areas: Just do it!
    Overall comments on week 2: Still going strong with just one week left.
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    My journal for today. I'm tired...think I will watch tv, drink tea, and go to bed. :)
  • horsepal
    horsepal Posts: 19 Member
    Good Morning ladies of the Grok

    I can't check in on the weekend as I only have my smart phone and can't get to the forums...But I did have a really good weekend following the Primal blueprint. I have to tell you that the primal Moussaka is my new favorite! wow it was so good I cooked it up on Friday and thought I would have some to bring to work this week for lunches was so good I eat it all up. But I do have to say that was so satisfying that on Satruday I really only at two meals. One note on the Moussaka is double or triple the spices, maybe mine where old and stale or maybe Mark does not spice it up as much as I like and another thing....Make a double batch...It is a bit labor intensive and a good dish for the weekend when you have plenty of time but it is so good you can probably freeze some for a good easy meal when you don't have prep time.

    I felt a bit low this weekend so I respected my body/mind cycles and just got some good cave time in, with bouts of short spurts of exercise.

    I did finish the book and think I'm ready for the 21 day challange so I'll be a bit behind you all but still on board.

    Grok on

  • horsepal
    horsepal Posts: 19 Member
    One other thing I did was make a nice big Frittata, I have six lovley Buff Orphington hens and they supply me with all of the pasture raised eggs that I can eat. So I made a nice big veggie and bacon Frittata and have enough for the whole week of breakfast. I find if I have a go to snack and the larder filled with all good stuff then I am able to stick with my program.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Cindy, I would love to have chickens! Right now, a horse and a cow is taking all my resources :) One day, tho'. You just can't beat fresh eggs. I occasionally get gifted a dozen from my uncle's barred rock flock.

    I bought the stuff to do the moussaka. Thanks for the spice info, because I use ALOT of herbs and spices! I don't think you can overdo them, most of the time. Except maybe when heat is involved :) I am looking forward to trying it, perhaps tomorrow.

    Fasting today, as per the Day 14 challenge. This challenge is going so quickly! I am very please with my so far 8.2 lb loss, averaging out to just over 4 lbs a week. I'm not convinced I had much water to lose, either, because I'd been doing primal again for about 2 weeks before beginning the challenge. I do think cutting the Splenda has probably helped me the most. NO sugar cravings. Actually, no cravings at all!

    I am pretty hungry, as it's noon thirty with nothing but a little heavy cream (in my morning coffee) and water so far. I'm not sure how far I'll push it. I'm going to try shooting for supper :)

    Cindy, we don't all have to be on the same day of the challenge. Like I posted earlier, I'm thinking of turning around and doing it again, just for the focus it offers.

    Happy Grokking! ;)
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Yesterday's journal.

    Two weeks down...and feeling great! Since I took a rest day earlier this week, today I'm going to do a kettlebell workout and probably work in the yard...I think the sun is shining. I am loving waking up before the alarm and early! Of course, I usual feel like going to bed by 9 or 930!
    what kind/how heavy of kettlebell's do you use?

    I have a 7lb Bob Harper kettlebell I got at Target. It's too light and I will soon at least double the weight, when I move to the next level. It;s good for learning the moves and I can feel the work. I enjoy this workout... and look at a lot of videos online. Fun stuff.
  • queenbcronen
    queenbcronen Posts: 158 Member
    Yesterday's journal.

    Two weeks down...and feeling great! Since I took a rest day earlier this week, today I'm going to do a kettlebell workout and probably work in the yard...I think the sun is shining. I am loving waking up before the alarm and early! Of course, I usual feel like going to bed by 9 or 930!
    what kind/how heavy of kettlebell's do you use?

    I have a 7lb Bob Harper kettlebell I got at Target. It's too light and I will soon at least double the weight, when I move to the next level. It;s good for learning the moves and I can feel the work. I enjoy this workout... and look at a lot of videos online. Fun stuff.
    great! thanks!
  • horsepal
    horsepal Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Ange,

    I did not mention that I put some pesto in the Moussaka too, along with the the way, I will use hamburger next time I'm sure that the $5.99 per lb lamb was not worth the "official" Greek flavor.

    And I do love my girls (the chickens) they really are no bother, they clean up around where the horses eat and spill grain...I do have to have a water heater in the winter because we get so cold here and I do lock them up every night because of the occasional skunk or coyote, even an eagle attack so there is some risk but they are easily replaced. They eat all of the bugs in my flowers and help with horse manure disbursal so I don't have to drag the pasture very often. With your skunk problem Chickens would have to be protected a lot more dilligently and I'll bet you have foxes too. I have been thinking that next year I might like to have some chicks and raise them up for meat chickens.

    Hey I have to tell you that I also did my first "sprint" today ...I cannot even tell you how long ago it has been since I ran on purpose...I'm sure it was not pretty and it did not last too long but I'm goign to try it again later this afternoon!

    Nice to chat with you,

  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    LOL Cindy, great job on the sprinting. I'm so afraid of reinjuring my foot I have not tried yet. I will, though.

    Yes, we also have a cougar in the area right now. We hear it screaming in the woods near the house at dusk, and my cousin even saw it last week. I fear for the calf when it arrives, though I think we have the area pretty well secured. We have hawks, too, that go after chickens.

    Mmm, my spareribs are smelling REALLY good!
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Great job on the sprints, horsepal! I had a terribly lazy day and only sorta did the workout that was prescribed. I did do the PEM with intensity, though.

    Here's my journal for today. I'm going back to my crocheting and tv. :) The PNW rain really sucks the energy right out o' me some days.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    graysgirl, I keep meaning to ask you, what is PNW? You're in the Northwest, right? Forgive me if I got that wrong! :)

    I had an iffy day yesterdya. I will put up my journal when I get back from chores. The fast backfired on me. Sometimes I do them and they're great, I cleanse, I feel so much better, etc. Yesterday, I caved at 3pm becasue I was SOOO hungry I was feeling panicky and hardly enough energy to walk around. Then I ate alot of calorie dense foods. Cashews, coffee with cream, chocolate (only 2 squares of 70%, but still!) meatloaf... lol. Anyway, finished up cals for the day at about 1500, but carbs were super low, like under 40. My mood wasn't good though. Really edgy and emotional. So I don't know what was going on. Maybe PMS? I know I personally should never fast during PMS, I have a weird emotional reaction to it.

    So I got up this morning, ate an egg and took a B-complex. Ready to make today count and get in some good physical activity.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Primal Challenge: Day 15

    Success Score: 6

    Intermittent Fast #1

    Duration: 19hrs
    Start time: 8pm
    End time: 3pm
    Hardest part: Very hungry, weak and cranky from about 11am on.
    Best Part: That I held out till 3pm! ;)
    Comments: This fast backfired on me. I've done fasts up to 26 hours before with great results, but I'm not sure today was a good day for one.

    Mark's favorite Primal Workout

    Comments: No energy to workout. Couldn't even walk to the mailbox.

    Cave Time

    Duration: 30 min
    Where did you go? Stayed in my living room
    Hardest part: Staying awake
    Best part: Very relaxing, helped mood somewhat
    Comments: Just turned everything off and sat still and reflected.

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels: 2
    Hunger levels between meals: 10
    Satisfaction with meals: 6
    Struggles today with Primal efforts: Struggled with fast, then with controlling myself afterwards.
    Benefits noticed from Primal Efforts: I did not crave carbs even coming off fast. I think I was actually looking for fat. Another benefit is that I had nothing un-Primal in the house, so I found what I needed. My “binge” consisted of completely Primal foods, and I did not even over-indulge in the chocolate.
    Daily highlights: Not craving carbs
    Daily needs to improve: Fasting
This discussion has been closed.