Primal Blueprint 21 Day Transformation



  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    I did a spontaneous play session in the cold rain this morning. Played fetch with Blue for 5-10 minutes. He loved it. This was after I'd been out feeding the horse and cow, which has to count for something? I had to throw hay out of the loft, and carry each their share. Had to walk the length of the paddock (a little more than an acre) to check on the fences.

    Am practicing the honoring hunger again today, have only snacked and it's noonish.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Where are you gals today??

    I haven't filled out my journal yet, but I did try a new recipe off MDA. Root vegetable hash. First time I've ever had beets, and it was amazing! I highly recommend it. Something we don't do much on primal is breakfast for dinner, because eggs and bacon just seems so one dimensional. This really fit the bill and made it super filling too. I at twice what I should have! But at least it was good stuff!

    I even took a 30 min walk in the cold rain with Blue this afternoon. My plantar fascitiis is feeling better than it has in months. I'm wondering if getting rid if inflammatory grains, starches and sugars is reducing the amount of inflammation in my body.

    I also did the abb. PEM, and was able to do even less than the other day! Man, I'm hurtin. :)
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Journal Entry: Day 5 : Success Score (1-10): 10

    Modern Foraging

    Comments: No way to implement this. We live 25 miles from a town, nothing but fast food restaurants, and can't afford those!

    Abbreviated PEM Workout

    Location: Living area
    Duration: 15min
    Reps completed: 1
    Push ups set 1: 15 Set 2:
    Squats set 1: 20 Set 2:
    Pullups set 1: n/a Set 2:
    Plank (time) set 1: 15 Set 2:
    Comments: Am really out of shape. Have no place to do pullups. Did the 'easy' version of all of these. Having done these before, I know my numbers will go up quickly. Did the 5min warm up on the stationary bike.

    Active Couch Potato Rebellion

    Activity: spontaneous play session with Blue Duration: 10 min
    Activity: Rainy walk with Blue Duration: 25 min
    Activity: Drying herbs Duration: ???
    Hardest part: Getting off my butt
    Best part: Blue's happy!
    Comments: I was low energy again today, probably due to tom and just the gloomy weather. I wanted to sleep, but I kept busy.

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels 1-10: 6
    Hunger level between meals 1-10: 0
    Satisfaction levels with meals 1-10: 10
    Struggles today with Primal efforts: Still off with appetite, however, after picking all day, made a big dinner and had seconds. Felt like a refueling almost. Some cravings, but not sure for what.
    Benefits noticed from Primal efforts: Food has so much more flavor. The beets at supper were really sweet, and the unsweetened coffee is so enjoyable.
    Daily highlight/s: The fact that I got out in spite of the nasty weather.

    Daily needs-to-improve: Fitness level with PEM
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Where are you gals today??

    I haven't filled out my journal yet, but I did try a new recipe off MDA. Root vegetable hash. First time I've ever had beets, and it was amazing! I highly recommend it. Something we don't do much on primal is breakfast for dinner, because eggs and bacon just seems so one dimensional. This really fit the bill and made it super filling too. I at twice what I should have! But at least it was good stuff!

    I even took a 30 min walk in the cold rain with Blue this afternoon. My plantar fascitiis is feeling better than it has in months. I'm wondering if getting rid if inflammatory grains, starches and sugars is reducing the amount of inflammation in my body.

    I also did the abb. PEM, and was able to do even less than the other day! Man, I'm hurtin. :)

    I'm here!! Been kinda busy and gone from the house for awhile. Good primal day for me... Even fun in the rain! Got to try out the new rain gear I got just before my foot went south. Gratefully, it works pretty well!

    Here's my journal for today. doesn't seem very complete.
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Mostly complete before I head out for the evening. I'll be sure to log any changes that happen but I am planning for the best! I'm gonna go dance my *kitten* off...literally! :)

    Hope you are all having a great weekend!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Well, I believe my "Grand play outting", while I had planned a long hike, is going to consist of building a calf pen today. Our milker, Daisy, is showing signs of pre-labor and we are SO not ready for it! I'll certainly be building muscle and burning cals!

    Y'all have a great day!
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Today was a rest day. Mostly primal, but also mostly sitting on my butt. Quality time with the Spouse, but no, NO, activity. Good for me, Right? Hope so.

    @bonkers I hope your got your fencing done and the weather was kind to you. Not a hike, but still...I would be looking forward to a calf and raw milk and all that if it was me!

    Anyone else still active? How's it going for you at the end of this first week?
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Great job, graysgirl. I will post my journals in awhile. Have to check livestock, do chores, get hubby off to work. We had a super busy weekend!
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Journal Entry: Day 7 : Success Score (1-10): 10

    Primal Celebration Dinner

    Comments: Actual did this today instead of yesterday. Had london broil, creamed kale and steamed carrots, and shared with my parents. It was really great, and completely primal, and the best part, my dad, a huge bread eater, was completely satisfied with the meal.

    Grand Play Outing

    Location: Property where I keep my horse, Sully.
    Activity: Building a calf pen and moving electric fencing.
    Duration: About 5 hours, with a break for lunch in the middle.
    Comments: Hard work, but very rewarding, and a great stress reliever, as I feel more ready now for the rough weather months ahead. Sully and Daisy will be safe and protected from the elements. Huge load off!

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels 1-10: 10
    Hunger level between meals 1-10: 2
    Satisfaction levels with meals 1-10: 10
    Struggles today with Primal efforts: None. Really stuck to it in spite of being away from home. This actually goes for the whole weekend.
    Benefits noticed from Primal efforts: Good energy, no temptation to indulge in pizza with others or sneak a greasy bite while out shopping.
    Daily highlight/s: A fulfilling day in every way

    Daily needs-to-improve: The foot is getting better, but it has a ways to go.

    Week 1 Reflections

    Week 1 success score: 10
    Diet success score: 10 (lost 5.4lbs)
    Comments on diet changes: Effortless
    Exercise success score: 10
    Comments on exercise challenges: Feels great to be getting active again. Primal essential movements (PEM) are challenging, but I'm looking forward to seeing my own strength build.
    Lifestyle success score: 5
    Comments on lifestyle challenges: Implementing what I can. I love the spontaneous play sessions, and that is probably what will stick out of the whole thing. If I can maintain some level of that throughout the winter, I'll give myself a 10.
    Weekly highlights: I've been a week with no artificial sweeteners or peanut butter, and haven't suffered at all. According to yesterday's challenge, I indulged in a sweet treat yesterday, and did not notice any ill effects, nor did it incite any cravings. That was the first sugar had in a week.
    Weekly needs- to-improve: I actually think I'm doing pretty darn good.
    Overall comments on week 1: It went so well, I'm excited about the coming week.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Journal Entry: Day 8 : Success Score (1-10): 9

    No Labels Challenge

    Hardest part: I had a chocolate craving.
    Best part: This is fairly easy if you're following Primal entirely as we are. Very little of what we eat every day has a label. The chocolate today was the only thing, and I had 2 squares of Lindt 70percent cacao.
    Comments: I think this was the second easiest challenge so far, the first being the boycotting processed foods.

    Sprint Workout

    Comments: I was not able to do this today, but will do it soon. I did ride and play with my horse for 3 hours today. My foot was in pretty bad shape from yesterday, being on it all day in my Fatbaby's. I think I will give this a try tomorrow.

    Tiptoe Into the Barefoot World

    Total time you spent barefoot or in minimalist footwear: Probably about 6 hours.
    Longest single stretch barefoot (standing and moving): About an hour and a half.
    Hardest part: I haven't been barefoot much since the plantar fascitiis, so I worried a little about that.
    Best part: I LOVE being barefoot. Before my foot problems, I didn't wear shoes at all except when outdoors.
    Comments: I was wearing my 3-point lift, which is an arch support/brace for my PF.

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels 1-10: 9
    Hunger level between meals 1-10: 0
    Satisfaction levels with meals 1-10: 10
    Struggles today with Primal efforts: Afternoon cravings, after a long ride. I did indulge in dark chocolate, but that was it.
    Benefits noticed from Primal efforts: Loving that we're starting week 2 of the challenge and it's going so well.
    Daily highlight/s: Gave my cravings the boot, and didn't give in.

    Daily needs-to-improve: Need to work in sprints.

    Weekly needs- to-improve: I actually think I'm doing pretty darn good.
    Overall comments on week 1: It went so well, I'm excited about the coming week.
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Hiding from trick or treaters tonight. :) We went out to meet friends for dinner who are moving away tomorrow. She is supposedly gluten-free and we went to Pho, which is pretty good stuff usually. I had the four kinds of beef and told them not to put the rice noodles in the bowl. There weren't enough veggies, but I did what I could. And I didn't eat much of the broth because it isusually filled with MSG. And I only used a teeny bit of soy sauce....mostly depended on the jalapeno and thai basil to season it up. Yummers. I have a favorite Pho place and this wasn't it. While everyone else went to Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream, I headed to Starbucks for a breve latte. No problem at all being around it or saying no, I don't want that! It was GREAT that way! All in all a great day...
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Is anyone else experiencing a day on/day off appetite? For instance, one day I'll be hungry for and excited by my meals and snacks, and the next day, I'd just as soon not eat at all? Today is like that, I know I should eat something, but nothing appeals to me. Not feeling any hunger at all.

    Just curious!
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    I have more hungry times and less... I am sure I am sometimes eating when I'm not really hungry...because it's "normal" time...long held habit, you know. If you can respect it, that's great. I don't think you will be harming yourself. My only caution is that you make sure you don't find yourself hungry in the evening, so much so that you start stuffing just about anything in your mouth. Of course, if your kitchen is cleaned out of the not-so-Primal stuff that probably won't be a problem. And always carry a Primal snack with you...

    My $.02
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Journal Entry: Day 9 : Success Score (1-10): 10

    Track Macronutrient Intake

    Daily protien: 104
    Daily carb: 62
    Daily fat: 175
    Total calories: 2176
    Areas to improve: I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be falling. I need to reduce my fat and calories if I expect to lose. That will be my goal, to get calories under 1500.
    Worst part of results: Probably fat? I subsisted on nuts today!
    Best part: This is no biggie, as I track everyday anyway.
    Comments: I need to lay off the nuts! But it was my birthday, so I give myself a free pass :)

    Increase Daily Movement part 2

    Ways you increased movement today:
    Took a long exercise walk.
    Took a stroll after dinner with dh and dog
    Extra barn chores this morning, solely for the purpose of adding movement
    Worked in the kitchen, so was standing!
    Hardest part: my energy levels tanked today.
    Best part: The after dinner walk was great.
    Comments: I went barefoot a bit today, as well.

    Summary Comments

    Daily energy levels 1-10: 5
    Hunger level between meals 1-10: 0
    Satisfaction levels with meals 1-10: 10
    Struggles today with Primal efforts: Lack of energy, a bit of the blues.
    Benefits noticed from Primal efforts:Was able to kick the birthday cake and fattening dinner tradition and keep it primal.
    Daily highlight/s: There is a Reese's sitting here, a birthday treat from hubby, and I have decided to save it for later. Unheard of!

    Daily needs-to-improve: Need to work in sprints.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hey guys! Morning glory and horsepal, how are y'all doing?

    My goal today is keeps cals under 1400 and get in a ride on Sully. Its supposed to be WOW day, workout of the week, but my foot is bad, so I don't see that happening. I just don't know how to deal with sprints and hops when I can barely walk :P I will try to get in a PEM to make up for it.

    Also, more water today. I updated my goals to reflect what I want to achieve nutrition-wise. PM me if you're interested in seeing my food diary.

    Grok on!
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Here are my stats and goals for the following month. We've another week and a half on the 21 DAY challenge, then we go from there. I hope support here with you continues, B. This is certainly a long haul endeavor. I'm still thinking about a couple more goals to take on.

    November Plan:

    Wt to start: 179lbs Ht: 5'3"
    Waist: 38" (down an inch from last month))
    Hips: 45" (down about half an inch)
    Tanita BF%: 43% (down 1%)
    PF: Move daily, Hike 2x week, PEM workouts, kettlebell workouts, WOW, and sprints
    Goals for November:
    ~Keep carbs below 100g/day, lower is better
  • horsepal
    horsepal Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Ange,

    Happy Birthday a day late! I have been primal most all week...last night I had pumpking soup...I hacked up a big white pumpkin that I bought and pulled out a can of coconut milk, added an onion and some chicken bullion paste for flavor when the pumpkin was roasted I got the skin off and put it all in the pot and whirred it up with my emersion blender...Yummy. I did eat quite a bit of it because it was thick and warm and wonderfully sweet but the calories were very low. Today I bought a tub of lovely dates I want to experiment with dates and nuts as a cookie/candy substitute for the holidays...

    Also on Marks daily apple I found a Moussaka recipe with ground beef or lamb, eggplant and greek yogurt that looks devine...I'll report back tomorrow.

    Today I had a big tuna salad with one of my last tomatoes from my garden this summer...I think I have just a few more ripening in my fruit room then it will be back to store bought for the rest of the winter. Boo Hoo one season with a garden and now I'm spoiled...

    I have been taking walks every break since the weather is still very nice here..that is cold but with bright sunshine and I know here any minute it will turn rainy and snow so I get out every day that I can...This last weekend I cut firewood both saturday and sunday...while I'm sure cavemen did not have chain saws...I did lift and carry a lot of weight...and stomped around in the woods for several hours each day...then came home and had a nice steak and asperagus so kept it primal oh and some wine but that was purely ceremonial...tee hee.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Cindy, LOL! I do believe wine is primal... probably the first thing Grok did, you know, when his wife left those hard-won berries fermenting in the sun outside the cave... they couldn't very well throw them out!

    Sounds like you're doing great. And your food is making me salivate right now.

    Today has been challenging as I try to reduce my calories. Holy crap, those extra 400 cals make a HUGE difference. I've been so hungry I could've chewed off my own arm all day. But I've stuck with it kept under. I think it's the only way I'm going to get this fat off me.

    Had a great ride today, but no primal workout. I could paint stripes on my giant horse's legs and call him prehistoric. Would that make him a Primal Essential Movement??

    I will post my journal in a bit.

    If ya'll are interested in Primal style cooking, food and recipes, feel free to subscribe to my blog at

    I've been putting up a bunch of food stuff lately :)
  • PrimalMorningMoon
    PrimalMorningMoon Posts: 85 Member
    Here are the last two days of the journal. Been a bit more challenging to get to. Today I have done great food-wise. Did yard work and went for a walk and fed horses. But I didn't do the outlined challenges. I'll get back to them one of these days!

    @horsepal Your food does sound great!

    @bonkers I'm curious why you are limiting calories. What is your thinking? I don't think we are meant to feel so hungry we want to gnaw off our arm. ;)
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    Graysgirl, in the first book, primal for weightloss uses 1200cal a day examples. I have a long way to go, at least 80lbs, and I have tried not limiting cals. I've been doing a lot of research on starvation response and calorie zagging (up day down day). Also getting ready to do some fasting, which will bring my overall weekly average down. Mostly, I am just trying to get a response out of my body, and I've tried everything but calorie restriction! :p So I'm trying it, at least for a week.

    I woke up so hungry this morning. I think I am eating well... if anyone has any comments on my food dairy, feel free to share. I came in under 1400cals and under 30 carbs yesterday.

    Off this morning to finish up my horse's paddock. It won't be hard work, have to drive a couple of t-posts and move a galvanized stock tank. Other than that, I'll just be trying to get the electric hooked up.

    My mom is coming over tonight to cook me dinner. She got the recipe for the primal texas chili and is cooking a totally primal meal for us! Go mom! :)