Chelkb Member


  • Love Lauren Brooks dvd's. I have Ultimate Sculpting & Conditioning Volumes 1 and 2 as well as Kettlebell Lightning. I also have a 4 disc set from Sarah Lurie that I like as well (though I haven't used all 4). I started with a 10 lb bell because I had never tried doing any strength exercises. That weight was too light. I…
  • It's been 7 1/2 years since I quit. My motivation was the death of my mother and the birth of my first child three months later. I knew that if those two life altering events couldn't make me quit, nothing would. I knew that I would die young like my mom, not be around to raise my son and have a myriad of health problems…
  • I love my ketlebell workout dvd's by Lauren Brooks and Sarah Lurie. Currently using 25lb bell. I've been very curious about P90X but doesn't it require a full hour everyday?
  • Hi! I'm a busy full-time working mom of 2 young kids (7 and 3). My husband is a funeral director so as you can imagine, he works many nights, weekends and holidays. This means child rearing, cleaning, laundry, meal preparation and taxi service mostly falls to me. It makes it very difficult to plan workouts but I'm trying…
  • I am very sorry for the loss of your mom. My mom died in February 2005 at the age of 54 from multiple organ failure due to congestive heart failure. I was six months pregnant with my first child. She was a smoker, had diabetes and was overweight. Point blank, she didn't take care of herself. I, myself was a smoker and knew…
  • I love my kettlebell work outs. Unfortunately, I live in an area that doesn't have a gym let alone kettlebell instructor. I have learned everything from dvd's. I work out to Lauren Brooks and Sarah Lurie, both RKC's. I also have Lauren Brooks's Kettlebells for Women book. Obviously not as good as having personal…
  • Oh how I love my cab...& merlot, red zin, pinot noir. Can you see a theme here? I love my nightly glass of wine or two. I have been trying to cut some out through the week and only have few on the weekend but I enjoy it & have been struggling. I have read that my lovely wine habit is stalling my weight loss. How is this…
  • I have a 10 and 15 lb bell from Walmart - they were pretty cheap. I just recently bought an Ader 18 lb kettlebell and that was $45.00. I am looking at the 22 and 26 lb bells next and they are about $60.00 each. Kind of expensive.
  • Glad to hear that you had a good run! This was my third Boilermaker & even though I thought it was a bit crowded, it still is the most fun race I have participated in. I could run 9.3 miles everyday if I had people to cheer me on the whole way :) I am also motivated to run for the Saranac beer at the post-race party. I…
    in Running Comment by Chelkb July 2012
  • I log my kettlebell workouts as circuit training.
    in Kettlebells Comment by Chelkb July 2012
  • I started a couple of months ago with a 10 lb kettlebell and quickly moved to a 15 lb bell. I just recently bought an 8 kg/18 lb bell. I still do snatches using the 15 lb bell but use 18 for everything else. I am thinking of going to a 10 kg/22 lb bell or a 12 kg/26 lb for lower body exercises.
  • All of the other posters have said it all. You can't beat yourself up over the past. It's done, over, gone. What you can do is learn from the past and move forward. No one is perfect. We are all flawed and sometimes each one of us has bad days where we slide a little. It's ok though as long as you pick yourself back up and…
  • Well, now that the race is over, how did you do? I ran yesterday too & I was slightly annoyed with trying to weave in & out of 14,000 runners.
    in Running Comment by Chelkb July 2012
  • I don't have much advice but wanted to give ((hugs)). I am sorry you don't have support from your family. It definitely makes it tougher. Does your husband support you? What about friends or co-workers? As for your family, I wouldn't share information with them. Just do your own thing where they are concerned and don't…
  • Per the link a previous poster gave, it states: The amount of fat in the body is determined by the individual's eating and exercise habits, but the distribution of fat in the body is determined by heredity. In most cases reduction of a particular part can be accomplished only as part of an overall weight-reduction program.…
  • Ran 4.5 miles this morning :)
  • I have been working out to Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Sculpting & Conditioning Volumes 1 & 2. Love it!!
    in Kettle Bell Comment by Chelkb June 2012
  • It's hard being a working mom but as everyone else stated, you just need to find the time. 15-20 minute HIT exercises 3 to 4 times per week. During the winter, I used to get up at 4:45 to run 45 minutes on the treadmill. It was my only time to do it. There were plenty of mornings I hated that alarm clock but after my…
  • @skinnymissmelissa ~ does dry brushing work or help? I am 5'6" and 135 lbs. I run 3 days per week and do kettlebell workouts 2 days a week. I have terrible cellulite all the way to my knees. Very frustrating especially when I work my butt off. I know that I will never get rid of it but I am all for trying to minimize the…
  • I am currently wearing Asics Gel Kayanos and I love them. Before this, I was wearing Brooks Adrenaline and I loved them too. What I noticed was that while both shoes offered great support and stability, the Asics had slightly more cushion.
  • I have a Belkin that I got at Walmart. I like it and it stays in place. My only problem is that I hate the tan line where the arm band is. Looks pretty goofy to me. I think I am going to look for a wrist or waist holder.
  • Bob Harper is not a certified Russian kettlebell instructor either. I don't know anything about Kathy Smith. Here is a review of Jillian Michaels by an RKC: Obviously your choice. I would read reviews before trying anything new.
  • I don't recommend JM Shred it With Weights. Read some of the reviews on Amazon. She isn't a certified kettlebell instructor. From what I have read, she teaches improper form and technique that can get you injured. If you are looking for a kettlebell workout, I have have been using Lauren Brooks Ultimate Body Sculpt &…
  • A live class would certainly be the most ideal way to learn kettlebells. However, if you are like me, there aren't any close by. In my circumstance, the closest RKC certified instructor is 2 1/2 hours away...not an option.
  • I have 2 dvd's by Lauren Brooks that I really like. She is an RKC certified instructor and she also teaches proper form.
  • I exercise in the morning and the evening. When I run on the treadmill, I get up at 10 of 5 (Mon, Wed, & Fri) because I have an almost 3 year old who I am afraid of touching the belt while it is going. I do a kettlebell dvd 2 days per week and usually do that in the evening. It is hard getting up. I cut it back one day…
  • My treadmill can do so much and I don't really take advantage of that & should. I usually run for 3 miles at an incline of 2.5 at speed 6.5. I then walk 1 minute at 3.8 and then the next 2 miles I run at a 0 incline anywhere from 7.2 to 7.8.
  • I will eat what I want tomorrow but I have already logged what the damage will approximately be. I will tweak my logging tomorrow to what I actually consume (iPhone app). It was just helpful to me to see what the day will be like. I also plan on running 5 miles in the morning too so that I don't feel so guilty.
  • I am also a member of WW online (it runs out on12/26). I won't be renewing my membership either. In fact, I stopped tracking on WW. I think there are good points to WW. It kind of forces you to make some better choices - such as fruits & veggies but there a few things about it that bother me. First, I am an accountant - I…