The closest gym to me is a half hour away and with working full-time, having two school aged children with extracurricular activities and a husband that works out of town, getting to the gym is too difficult at this point. I also have another limitation. I had a multilevel cervical spinal fusion earlier this year (C4-C7).…
Hi! I recently had a 3 level ACDF on C4-C7 (10 days ago). I had severe spinal cord compression and was told I was crushing it and faced paralysis without surgical intervention. At c5-6, the ap diameter of the cord was only 5 mm. Normal is at least 13-17mm. I have searched everywhere online regarding people returning to…
Ok, over the last 7 days, I have consumed 11,479 calories and burned 2,570 calories through exercise for an average daily net calories of 1,273. I have gained 4 lbs. Last Friday, I was 138.5 and now I am 142.5. What what what am I doing wrong? I can't figure this out for the life of me. I would appreciate any insight into…