jem33199 Member


  • ^ I agree with this. You're an inspiration! If I could, I'd give you a huge hug. :)
  • I am colder when I'm smaller also. I've never noticed the ticklish thing though....
  • I can't imagine how proud your brother must be of you! :happy: You are an inspiration. I appreciate you sharing from the heart. Taking care of ourselves impacts so many others in our lives. I wish you many, many more years of awesome health!
  • "Someday I won't be able to run. Today is not that day." - Unknown. I think I read it here on MFP by another member. I have thought about this a lot. It really makes me grateful, rather than resentful, to be able to move my body. I substitute "run" for walk, yoga, lift weights, etc. - depending on the day.
  • I just picked this up on my way in to work... 12 inch veggie on flat bread (I eat 1/2 at one time and the other 1/2 a few hours later) - spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, black olives, pickles, green peppers with mustard, salt, pepper and oregano. It's yummy and very filling. Sometimes I get provolone but I didn't…
  • I see that you've lost 81 pounds. You're well on your way to achieving your goal of saving a life. Your own.
  • I have been a vegetarian since '89 and there has been such a shift in that time. People are so much more veggie friendly than they used to be. When someone invites me for dinner, I happily accept. :) I tell them that I'm a vegetarian so they don't need to prepare any meat for me. However, I let them know that they…
  • What about Netflix or Hulu - I'm not sure if they have exercise videos but it's worth a look. The library in my city has a good variety of exercise videos - great to try them out rather than buying. Let us know what works for you!
  • I agree with the others that say you may just be bored - there are SO many fun ways out there to get your cardio in. Try something new. :) Good luck.
  • When I'm drinking water, grazing and eating high quality food, I have fewer cravings. People at work were teasing me today that I eat like a rabbit and I brought grapes, hummus, carrots, celery, multigrain chips, string cheese and I was munching on something every half hour to an hour. It works for me. I…
  • Thank you for sharing that you were able to get off of bp and cholesterol medications. I am even more inspired by that than the visual effect of weight loss (although that is also impressive!). I wish you continued great health for many, many years to come!
  • When I log my exercise on MFP, it estimates the calorie burn based on my weight and the activity. Therefore, I'm not personally saying how many calories I burned - MFP is. When I see some of the numbers, it makes me giggle since it seems exaggerated to me. However, since I exercise for reasons other than calorie burn, I'm…
  • I am a member of Weight Watchers and MFP. I think you'll make your decision based on what you need. At Weight Watchers: 1. Everyone that works there is a real member of Weight Watchers that has lost weight and kept it off. 2. You get support from real, live human beings. I love seeing the changes in folks and cheering on…
  • I keep my scale on my kitchen counter, along with a liquid measure. I have dry measures easily accessible in the front of the silverware drawer. It is so easy to weigh/measure that I do it out of habit. This has made a huge difference for me. I don't know what kind of scale I have (I am at work and it's at home) but I…
  • I am seriously impressed. I have never been able to do full push-ups. I need to work on my arm strength!
    in Push Ups! Comment by jem33199 March 2012
  • My goals were to get off of my blood pressure medications and the c-pap. And I did! WOO HOO! Now I am in the process of memorizing the Ashtanga Yoga Short Form series so I can do yoga on my own anytime, anywhere. I'm making progress toward this.
  • It is inspiring to see a story of someone that is not only focused on weight but on health also. I bet you're heart thanks you too. :) Great work!
  • 2/3 135 minutes Jog 2/4 45 minutes Jog 30 minutes Recumbent bike 2/5 45 minutes Elliptical 45 minutes Recumbent bike 2/6 60 minutes Yoga 2/7 45 minutes Recumbent bike 30 minutes Elliptical 2/10 50 minutes Treadmill 60 minutes Yoga 2/11 60 minutes Yoga 45 minutes Elliptical 2/12 100 minutes Treadmill 2/16 60 minutes Yoga…
  • 2/3 135 minutesJog 2/4 45 minutes Jog 30 minutes Recumbent bike 2/5 45 minutes Elliptical 45 minutes Recumbent bike 2/6 60 minutes Yoga 2/7 45 minutes Recumbent bike 30 minutes Elliptical 2/10 50 minutes Treadmill 60 minutes Yoga 2/11 60 minutes Yoga 45 minutes Elliptical 2/12 100 minutesTreadmill 2/16 60 minutes Yoga…
  • I "officially" weigh in once/week although I occasionally hop on the scale during the week. I try not to do that too often though because I can drive myself crazy. Weight fluctuates so much depending on time of day, time of month (for women), water intake, carbs consumed, etc. etc. Once a week at the same time of the day…
  • I've been a vegetarian since December 21, 1989. I don't have any nutritional concerns for me. However, I have lots of nutrition concerns for those eating the Standard American Diet (SAD). I gained weight when I stopped journaling my food and exercising regularly. Now that I'm back on those two things, the weight is coming…
  • A woman I used to work with had lupus and she struggled with the same thing - side effects of the meds, including weight gain. She felt hopeless about it. Eventually, she stopped eating healthy and exercising and she felt even worse. I love your positive attitude. Nutrient-dense food and exercise are soooo good for you. I…
  • Welcome! When you say SLE, do you mean lupus?
  • Absolutely! The reasons why are covered in detail in the book Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey. He also talks about addiction, stress, depression and ADD. It is a great book. It hs motivated me in a different way than I have been in the past.
  • 2/3 135 minutes Jog 2/4 45 minutes Jog 30 minutes Recumbent bike 2/5 45 minutes Elliptical 45 minutes Recumbent bike 2/6 60 minutes Yoga 2/7 45 minutes Recumbent bike 30 minutes Elliptical 2/10 50 minutes Treadmill 60 minutes Yoga 2/11 60 minutes Yoga 45 minutes Elliptical 2/12 100 minutesTreadmill 750 total
  • 2/3 135 minutes Jog 2/4 45 minutes Jog 30 minutes Recumbent bike 2/5 45 minutes Elliptical 45 minutes Recumbent bike 2/6 60 minutes Yoga 2/7 45 minutes Recumbent bike 30 minutes Elliptical 2/10 50 minutes Treadmill 60 minutes Yoga 2/11 60 minutes Yoga 45 minutes Elliptical 650 total
  • 2/3 135 minutes Jog 2/4 45 minutes Jog 30 minutes Recumbent bike 2/5 45 minutes Elliptical 45 minutes Recumbent bike 2/6 60 minutes Yoga 2/7 45 minutes Recumbent bike 30 minutes Elliptical 2/10 50 minutes Treadmill 60 minutes Yoga 545 total!
  • This happened to me years ago when I followed a very low fat diet. When I incorporated a small amount of healthy fats (1 or 2 tsp a day) such as olive or canola, my hair became thicker and shinier. Good luck!
  • 2/3 135 minutes Jog 2/4 45 minutes Jog 30 minutes Recumbent bike 2/5 45 minutes Elliptical 45 minutes Recumbent bike 2/6 60 minutes Yoga 2/7 45 minutes Recumbent bike 30 minutes Elliptical 435 total minutes so far!