

  • I wish the same thing.... so sad that in a land of plenty there are many going with less than a little... it's heartening that the school you volunteer at has such a healthy menu for them to choose from... wish Philadelphia would incorporate the same ideals...
  • Welcome! If you want to help your self along... I have found that doing a 30 minute walk before bed raises my metabolic rate and keeps it elevated throughout my sleep cycle...helps to shed the pounds.... You'll do great!!! :wink:
  • Hi, Tracey! First opportunity I have had to read and respond ot your question. I had the same question and found it in a book titled, "Nutrient Timing for Peak Performance" by Heidi Skolnik. I purchased this book through amazon so it was a lot less expensive then it's retail counterparts. Now, while it's true that the book…
  • I used too work out everyday.... used to be a body builder...then went back to competitive swimming...was getting really good again then.....BAM! t-boned by a car and two years later squashed between two body acted as the bumper between the two....have to admit it didnt do a very good job....after that the weight…
  • Welcome aboard the health train!!!! As for cooking...definitely not my forte!!!! LOL So, I will leave that to someone else. As for thinking about it non-stop....i do the same thing....when that happens, I take a walk....even at work.... hope it helps....and no worries, seems like everyone is eager to support those who have…
  • OOOOppppssss! My name is Darvin... Lisa is one of my friends who turned me onto this site Wednesday when we went out to lunch... of all things!!!! :wink:
  • I'll try not to... LOL! BE intimated by the site I mean!!!
  • Wow! Thank you soooo much!!!!
  • Thank you all for being so welcoming and encouraging!!! I'll definitely be counting on all of you to stay on the straight and narrow!!! I've got your backs too! Any time any of you need it!!!!! :glasses: