

  • Hehe i was so dreading it too, I almost talked myself out of doing it so many times on the way to the gym, and then I got on the treadmill and thought stuff it, I will make my jelly belly wobble and run my *kitten* off. And i totally agree the walk bits came in just the right times...... thank god!
  • Hey there :) wow go you!!! that is amazing work, you so have to be proud of yourself! Happy to support you :D
    in HI! Comment by crazywren November 2011
  • I just did the first one too. I'm so not a runner, and completely unfit, so i didn't find it easy ... but I did it from start to finish so feeling pretty proud of myself! Like yourself i'm kinda looking forward to the next instalment of it :). Go us!!! :D
  • I did see a doctor and at first they thought i had broken my ankle but after xrays it turns out i had torn ligaments. I have been doing walks and the exercises the hospital gave me to do. I will have to invest in a good ankle brace I think as it still feels pretty weak, and I will have to hit up a PT I think too. I think I…
  • I'm a kiwi living in the land of Oz... I'm in the wonderful city of Melbourne though I spend the weekends up in Gippsland with my partner :)
  • Me :smile: - but I am a kiwi in Aussie.... Does that still count :tongue:
  • awwww thanks for all the support :D this place does rock :D