fitnesscalv Member


  • lol, he tries his best. :o)
  • If Fruit is bad then why are most fruits Low on the Glycemic Index, I.E. Apples, Pears and Plums are all in the 30s which is better than wholegrain foods/oatmeal and sweet potatoes etc...? "The glycemic index, glycaemic index, or GI is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. Carbohydrates that…
  • Eat more veg especially brocolli, and drink milk. Most of the foods on this site probably have incorrect vitamin/mineral values anyway, because in the UK (i'm not sure about the US and other countries) these arn't always displayed on the packaging of foods and since most of the foods are added by the community this would…
  • Coffee isn't bad for you.
  • iPhone, best phone on the market and that's why I have one. Oh and plenty of apps for fitness including myfitnesspal which works well.
  • This is simple. To lose a healthy 1-2lb a week you need to create a 500-1000 calorie per day deficit. You can do that without cardio, cardio helps burn calories, yes it also has a bonus of increasing your fitness etc, but in terms of weight loss it helps create that deficit. On days you do cardio eat more and on your rest…
  • Here's a simple way to look at it, weigh yourself once a week at the same time in the same circumstances each week, if you lose 1 to 2 lb your eating enough if you lose more that 2lb up your calories a little. As your body changes adjust accordingly... I find I need to eat around 2500 calories to maintain weight, 2000 I…
  • Eat the box, it's probably better for you.
  • Cheddar Cheese has a high amount of saturated fat which is the bad kind, however it also has a good amount of protein and calcium... As the other two users suggested try substituting for a lower fat cheese, or just eat it in moderation.
  • You mentioned you had an iphone, i encourage you to buy an armband for it and download one of the many good running apps that track you via gps or buy a nike+ sensor, then run outside. Rain or shine, why do people hate running in the rain? keeps you cool. Some good apps: runtastic Pro miCoach nike+ (built in) ifitness for…
  • Thank you all for your advice, I will try an energy bar/banana see how I get on. :)
  • Sugars including sugars from fruit are most effectively used by the body directly after a workout to transfer nutrients and energy to the muscles as quickly as possible, it's also best to have a protein at this time also... if you have to eat them, then that's the time to do it.... I personally would avoid sugar at all…
  • It's always good to have protein after a workout regardless of when it is, especially if you are doing resistance training. I always have one in the evening as an evening snack, try having water instead of milk in the shake to limit carbs if right before bed. Your body repairs muscle over night so the extra intake of…
  • 50cl is half a litre, it will fill 2 cups.