

  • Hi hollin40 I am new to trying Almased, day 2 for me. I like the idea of adding chia seeds. I had read somewhere either on their site or in their pamphlet I got with the product about adding a tsp of oil, so I did that on the first one. The next I drank with some almond milk, I liked the taste better than with water. I…
    in Almased Comment by KelleFlr July 2013
  • Well, I am finally back. I decided enough is enough and I am not losing more weight just sitting around. I had my surgery in Jan. Released in April. I can finally lift a gallon of milk out of the frig and it isn't as much of a struggle as it was a while ago. pushups still hurt, still can't do planks on my right side but Dr…
  • Just wanted to touch base, have been MIA for a while. Had shoulder surgery on the 16th, no power walking or anything that might have impact to the shoulder, in the sling for another 2 weeks. I can basically take a slow walk is all. So haven't been able to do much via excercise, oh how i miss it so!! Hope you all have…
  • I like it. Yes, it does take on flavors you cook it in. I make a breakfast tofu scramble. It has the texture of scrambled eggs. I buy firm, drain, pat a little with a paper towl, cut in cubes and add a little olive oil to my skillet, add whatever you like -- cumin, salt, pepper, onion, garlic... I cook for a few minutes, I…
  • I agree, used a blender at first and they were more chunkies than smoothies. now have a vita mix. love it
  • This was one of the first ones I tried with our VitaMix... kids liked it too, simple and I liked they were getting the romaine/green in it.
  • I have her 5 mile fat burning, 4 fast miles, and the ultimate collection. Have all the stretchies, no weighted balls though, I just used my own weights. I did pick up an EA Sports Active2 DVD for the PS3 (my son found it).. just wanting variety... hope it's ok I mention that here... I like the variety it offered. I can't…
  • I like to put the band under my feet when she does the side steps, good for inner and outer thigh. You step on it, pull up on the extra to the resistance you like and step left and right. make sense? I also have a band with handles that is green, not sure what resistance that is, medium I think. I will lie on my side and…
  • HA HA Me too... someday I will be what my license says, that is my goal. Way to go! You gave me a great smile and laugh today, thanks. I was intrigued by your topic -- it lured me in.... :laugh: Kelle
  • Yesterday mine had steel cut oats in it. I think I found the recipe on MFP --- just take 1 C steel cut oats, add 4 C water. I use my 4C measuring (glass) cup and put it into the crock pot and pour water around it about half way up. Water bath. Let it cook on low 4-6 hrs until thick and creamy. Sometimes I add raisins. I…
  • I did the 3 mile advanced walk yesterday from the 4 Fast Mile dvd. I liked it. I usually do the 4 mile, but was curious. Was goind to do a 3 mi and some pilates dvd's today but pulled my back this morning and it is in major spasm. Seeing the chiro this afternoon... hope to get back to it in a few days. Can hardly move or…
  • Funny you should mention this, I was thinking of it the other day and have read other sites about the 'best' type to look for... what to expect, what's a healthy one etc. I have found info that it should stick to the bowl, shouldn't be difficult to pass. You should have more mass with it if you are eating enough fiber. I…
  • I haven't posted daily with my walks, but I have done Wed, Thur and Friday this week... made my first goal of 3x a week. Didn't get to it today, helped hubby hang lights all around the house and get the yard decorations up. Took a friend to our church for some 'shopping' for her family. (our church gets toys, clothes, etc…
  • Awesome post!!! I felt your pain reading about being fat all your life. I look at pics when I was little and I was always chunky. I hate eating around others because I feel they judge what I eat. But I love... love ... love the positive spin on a negative phrase... you are so right.... I let myself go past the junk food,…
  • Frustrated... didn't get to Leslie's DVD's over the weekend... ran errands all over Sat with hubby then home in time to start cooking dinner. Sunday had church, served with the kids in the morning, home by 1 pm, laundry dishes and other domestic goddess things, then dinner made, then back to church until 8pm., home, tuck…
  • I agree with many others, you have taken 20 years off... you look fab!! I also was stunned at the 180 to 150... that is near what I am getting too... (198, with a goal of 150 or less)... You look so great... I love your no excuses attitude. I also think it's great to do it now, it is sooo hard when you are older. I am 45,…
  • I LOVE it! Although I read on another site that the type of juicer I have loses nutrients and doesn't get enough juice out. It was recommended to get a masticating or geared juicer, not a centrifugal like I have. I'm not sure exactly what the difference is, but I don't plan on buying another juicer any time soon, so...…
  • Yanika.... I am crying right now... I so want my tummy to look even close to yours. I have stretch marks from above my belly button all the way down and they are deep too. You look so amazing. My tummy is much bigger than yours so I don't know if it will go down... but I have hope seeing your pics.... so incredible of you…
  • Wow, you look stunning!! Great pic, so glad you posted. I have about 50 to go, it is inspiring to see what maybe even I can look like! Thanks so much. Kelle
  • I am doing a December challenge on another group with a weight loss goal of 4 lb this month and drink more water(consistently) I do at least 8 a day, sometimes 10 or more, I want to be at 10 -14 regularly. I also had a goal to do more excercise.... so my goal on LS group is to do 3 -4 miles at least 3 days a week, again,…
  • Bought the Ultimate Collection DVD the other day. Did the 1 mile and the 2miles on Tuesday. Did the 4 miles super challenge today -- Whoo hoo.., butt kicker --- me likey.
  • Yes, I would like to joing the group. I need the accountability and need to make a plan. I do well logging each day but have a hard time being consistent with my excercise. Kelle
  • Bananas are high on the glycemic index. For those watching their sugars, this could be 'bad' for them. The greener they are the better, but most don't like to eat them a little green. (my hubby does, too hard for me like that). As they ripen their sugar index goes up. Personally I have to avoid them, so I have to pick…
  • I agree, Turkey Reboot -- ha ha, love it.. I like the idea of shocking the system and then going back to 'normal' I have learned alot about myself and what my body doesn't like now that it has gone without and got a taste again this weekend. Kelle
  • I like that part above about not eating it all gone and that the first bite is most satisfying.... When I think about that it is sooo true. I need to remember that. Thank you! Kelle
  • Good post and comments, I needed to hear it, haven't felt like I am doing well the last couple of days and wonder if it's worth it. Been at it about 6 weeks and only 16 lbs down, nothing new this last week, which I haven't had a stall yet, and didn't expect it this early so it has be rattled. I want to give up and just 'be…
  • I have the 4 mile dvd with the band. I had bought the 5 mile, but a friend who started before me told me it was hard and suggested I start with the 4 mile. I love it. Now I want my other dvd back so I can have both. I also ordered more off the net, but the name escapes me now. Kelle
  • Agree, where do I go for that? Natropath? In some research I have done about food intolerance on the net, I have come to the conclusion I am intolerant to wheat and enriched white flour (pizza is off my list) I also get nasty symptoms from cauliflower and brocolli (which makes me sad, love those) It is a low enzyme count…
  • I had to switch to decaf when i was pregnant, never able to go back, gives me heart palpitations and jitters real bad. i have been buying fair trade decaf and decaf that is processed with water. I understand decaf can be bad due to chemicals used in the process. I bet if you research the decaf process or coffees done with…
  • I agree, I am too scared to weigh. Still feel bloated and my hands are swollen... woke up to horrible cramps in my thigh, then right calf took offf and as I tried to stand my left shin muscle started... Horrible, but my fault, probably just dehydrated.