LoriLasswell Member


  • I am in pretty much the exact same place. PCOS with Insulin Resistance. Diagnosed at 14 - I've only ever had two periods without the assistance of BCP or other hormonal meds. I'm trying to get my weight down so I won't have to use expensive (often not covered by insurance) fertility meds. My husband and I want to start…
  • Yeah, I was told at 14 that I would never have children. I was devastated. That was 1999. I guess a lot has been learned about PCOS since then, because at 21 I was told I had higher odds of having twins because of my PCOS. I have a really wonderful doctor now that really knows her stuff (as opposed to the old, male endo I…
  • I've found it's a lot easier to not view myself as missing out on something. I look at junk food and bad food choices like I look at smoking. I'm a non smoker, and when I everyone else goes out for a smoke break, I don't feel deprived of anything, I feel like I'm a little bit smarter for dodging that bullet. To carry on…
  • If you can, try NOT to keep track of where you are in the race. The adrenaline will be pumping, and you'll be so excited to finally be racing, that the last half mile will go past and you'll do it no problem!
  • I know, right? I count that though.... 17 calories!
  • Wow, we are the same person. I was diagnosed with PCOS with insulin resistance at 14. I'm 5'11" as well, so the weight just really adds up. Right now I'm trying to light a fire under me to get the weight off and get my insulin and hormones under control. I so desperately want to start a family, and the infertility makes it…
  • I could definitely use some friendly female energy. I have a goal of 80, but have a feeling I may change my mind and go for 100 once I get closer. Add me!