Fighting weight and PCOS

Hello! I'm not new to My Fitness Pal, but it's been a few years since I've been here. I turn 40 this year and have decided it's kind of now or never for me.

I'm determined not to end up like a lot of the women in my family ... overweight with diabetes and fighting polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Technically, I'll always be dealing with the PCOS, but I don't have to let it control everything.

So, my goals are weight management with some weight loss, strengthening my body so I can keep up with my 7yo daughter, getting my family to eat more nutritious foods, and managing my PCOS without going completely insane.

Best of luck on your journey!


  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    One of my close friends is dealing with PCOS, i've heard a low carb diet is best for that
    She and I have been eating like that and it works for us! (i decided to eat that way with her)
    Best luck on your journey!
  • tetop
    tetop Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 12(now 19). So I know exactly how you feel! I just think of it as a challenge accepted kinda thing. :) good luck to you!
  • Gabillysmommy
    Hi, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14. I'm now 39. I've struggled for years with fluctuating weight. When I was in my early 20's I learned how to eat healthy and exercise a lot, and I lost nearly 100 pounds. I was in the best health I had been in since being diagnosed. Then my dream of becoming a mother happened, and I gained it all back..... oh no!!!!! Over the next 6 years I struggled hormonally and eventually lost 60pounds. Only to become pregnant again. I know!!! Lol. This time I only gained 36 pounds. Within a few years I was almost down to 220 and I'm 5'11. I was pleased but would like to weigh 195. Then my grandmother was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and all bets were off. I gained 82 pounds in 18 months. Grrrrrr!!!!! I decided on 4|22|14 that if my grandmother could fight her battle with cancer than I could fight my own battle with weight and hormones. I'm down almost 20pounds. I'm trying to stay focused but with pcos it always seems harder. I'm just trying to stay focused for those two miracles that I conceived.......
  • LoriLasswell
    LoriLasswell Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 14..... Within a few years I was almost down to 220 and I'm 5'11....

    Wow, we are the same person. I was diagnosed with PCOS with insulin resistance at 14. I'm 5'11" as well, so the weight just really adds up. Right now I'm trying to light a fire under me to get the weight off and get my insulin and hormones under control. I so desperately want to start a family, and the infertility makes it so terrifying. I love online places like this, because it makes me realize I'm not unique, not alone, and that makes it less intimidating.
  • Gabillysmommy
    Lori, I let the doctors scare me into thinking I'd never have k kids. My kids are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I was told that I'd need fertility drugs to conceive; never touched one. I did a healthy me and it worked. Just staying there after the kids and family is my struggle with the pcos. It makes everything harder. But my focus is back and I hope that I keep it until I reach my goal. I need this for my kids. I need this for me!!!!
  • LoriLasswell
    LoriLasswell Posts: 9 Member
    Yeah, I was told at 14 that I would never have children. I was devastated. That was 1999. I guess a lot has been learned about PCOS since then, because at 21 I was told I had higher odds of having twins because of my PCOS. I have a really wonderful doctor now that really knows her stuff (as opposed to the old, male endo I saw as a teenager.) She said she's pretty sure I'll need at least Clomid, because she doesn't think I've ever fully ovulated. Boo.

    My husband and I want to start trying when I turn 30 in 18 months. So this is it. This is crunch time. I gotta lose the weight to get the insulin resistance under control - which is another rant entirely.
  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    Another Cyster here. I was diagnosed when I was 26. I didn't really try to do much about it until 2009 though. I lost nearly 100 pounds, but then the last couple years have been kind rough and I have gained back over half of what I lost. I have a 5 year old adopted son, and I was fine with the idea of all of my kids being adopted, but part of the last couple years has included leaving the husband that I adopted him with. I am now trying to get into shape in order to conceive a little brother or sister for him and my boyfriend's son. Also so that I will be here to see them into adulthood and for my grandchildren.
  • twopaulines
    twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone!! I was diagnosed with PCOS AKA the bearded fat lady disease at 25! Lol at 25 I weighed 180, was previously 135. At 29 I peaked at 242!!!!! When I turned 30 I had the initial "moment" and am now 215. Talk about yo-yo!! Anyway after a leg injury in January that took my freedom of walking I am now recovering wonderfully and killing it at the gym! My biggest motivation???? If my leg didn't have to carry such a big *kitten* it wouldn't hurt so much. I can't live with joint pain.... So here I am! And man it's no easy task fighting against PCOS. BUT consistency is key. I will do it, we will do it!!!!!
  • twopaulines
    twopaulines Posts: 55 Member
    You can do it honey!!!!! I'm so excited for you :)
  • lisaekh
    lisaekh Posts: 3 Member
    Low carb and low sugar are what works for me - and also not starving myself!
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s. I managed to get pregnant naturally at 28, but have been trying for a second child for 2+ years now. I recently started seeing a new RE and he has put me on a low carb high fat (LCHF) diet. It's really been amazing, I've only been on it for ~10 days but I've already lost 2lbs and my sugar cravings have disappeared. I've seen a 3 different REs over the last 2 years and he is the first one to address my whole health. I'm now much more hopeful about my pregnancy chances!

    Here is a video my RE made explaining some of the links between PCOS and insulin resistance.

    Good luck!