mrscortes2008 Member


  • Absolutely! I know I went through a growth spurt between 19-20. Gained 3/4" height. So very likely that's what's happening. Especially since you mention leg cramps: growth spurt's calling card
  • Amen!!! Please tell me that I'm not the only women in the world that thinks that a six-pack looks like the underbelly of a crab!! Yuck. I can appreciate the effort, but definitely not my thing.
  • I'm not going to lie, I have a weakness for big arms and beefy chests. That being said, just because someone is beautiful to look at I don't think it automatically follows that they will have a easy time getting dates. Well, maybe picking up chicks will be easier, but keeping them? That depends entirely on personality and…
  • I also hate the "eat before you go" rule. It's counter-intuitive because most holiday eating has nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with appetite. If you "eat before you go", you just added even more calories to your holiday splurges. At least, that's my experience. I like to remember that the holidays are once…
  • Excellent point! I have definitely noticed that if I take the time to actually decide whether I want something or if I'm just eating out of habit, I usually have the opportunity to choose against it. Sometimes, I can't resist, but then, the extra thought makes it all the yummier. A win-win!
  • Your idea is an excellent one. In fact, I'm going to employ it myself. I don't know how well this would work for others, but for me, being involved in the cooking itself helps me NOT eat as much. I make over 300 Christmas cookies in 15 different varieties for cookie baskets, and I notice that, on the days I cook, I'm so…
  • It's definitely better that your protein be used up that your carbs. In fact, I'm using an eating plan right now that requires you to eat equal or more protein than carbs in a day, and so far I've had great results. So far, I've lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks and I haven't felt deprived yet. The thing is, protein metabolizes…
  • The 2 lbs a week goal is really hard to maintain. Trust me, I know. :) I have definitely noticed that eating high protein foods really seems to help. Basically, what you want to avoid is the drastic blood sugar spikes and dips that happen when you fill up on carbs. Let's say you have half a bagel with cream cheese for…
  • I agree with you. My husband has a very high-octane job, so he can plow through 1500 calories in a sitting (this is more than I get in a whole day) and he's still losing weight. I guess we just have to blame it on our biology...our baby factories want us fat. :) We have to trick our bodies to loose weight and our minds…
  • This probably one of the most frustrating parts of loosing weight while in a relationship. Heck, my TWO YEAR OLD gets more for dinner than I do! What really sucks is that guys only have to make a minor change and they drop 10 pounds when you're not looking. One thing that I've done is make the entire dinner diet-friendly.…