Holiday Survival Strategies



  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member

    Also, at parties, I try to keep my hands and mouth occupied by sipping on a low cal drink, like a diet coke or a fruit spritzer or something. It makes sure you stay hydrated so you don't confuse thirst with hunger and satisfies the need to mindlessly put something in your mouth since you're watching everyone else do it.

    i don't think diet drinks hydrate you, if anything they make you more thirsty and probably therefore more hungry

    to me seeing everyone eat a bunch of crap is enough not to make me want to eat at parties, showing up is enough and i just dont eat anything i cant count, makes it easy. having a purse in my hand that i can put down or having gum in my mouth that i can spit out wont stop me, so i just go in knowing im not eating anything i cant count. i guess other people have less self control..
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    I handled the last 2 Holiday Seasons' Parties like this:

    CARRY a glass of wine and drink it slowly and TALK to everyone while you are WALKING around the room AVOIDING the appetizer table.

    CARRY~keeps hands busy (I like the idea of a purse in the other hand too)
    TALK~keeps mouth busy
    WALK~keeps body busy
    AVOID~keeps brain busy

    After all of that, enjoy the dinner, SKIP the bread and DRINK the water!!
  • mrscortes2008
    mrscortes2008 Posts: 13 Member
    I also hate the "eat before you go" rule. It's counter-intuitive because most holiday eating has nothing to do with hunger and everything to do with appetite. If you "eat before you go", you just added even more calories to your holiday splurges. At least, that's my experience. I like to remember that the holidays are once a year...2 or 3 days of overeating aren't what got us in the overweight boat, and they sure won't ruin all the good choices we've been making. I have noticed that, when I release myself to enjoy my choices instead of feeling guilty, I actually end up eating LESS.
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    my plan is simple.

    workout in the am at least 60min more.
    have pleanty of water and take bottled water with you.
    chat enjoy friends but keep that water in hand.

    dinner:enjoy a meal, just bec its a holiday celebration is no reason to go over board, i keep reminding myself that i just
    worked out this morning so im not going to "pig out"now, start with a salad and put dinner on a different salad plate enjoy something small but sweet.

    if time will allow walk for a hour after dinner or at the gym.
    the next day back on track.
    no excuses./i have worked to hard to get lazy now.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I use the dessert size plates at buffet style parties so I can only fill that small plate instead of the huge plates most people are using. I won't put food on a plate that has already had food on it and going back for a second plate makes me feel bad enough that I don't do it.