cicwes Member


  • You have done an awesome job with the dedication to your goals. This is certainly an inspiration to everyone what a person can accomplish once you make up your mind to stick to the program. I applaud the progress and am ready to cheer you on for the balance of your journey. Fantastic change in lifestyle and hope you have…
  • Welcome to my fellow Texans. Here in Kingwood, TX in NE Houston, its just as hard to keep the weight in check. I recently made a decision to slim down for many of the same reasons. Dealing with Pre-hypertension, fear of becoming diabetic, even poor circulation. Life is too short to live without care and concern for our…
  • You look very well proportioned. I agree with everyone else. Rejoice in the progress you have made. Taking baby steps in losing and toning helps you to keep it off. Feel good about your progress and stick to your program.
  • FANTASTIC PROGRESS! Keep up the great work. I know you are motivated and have focused on every goals like a laser. Wonderful that you re willing to share with others your success.
  • You have taken the first step by making up your mind to lose and feel healthier. There are hundreds of cheerleaders here to support you to meet your goals. Think of it as a journey just like you cruise you want to take. We all know you can do it. Remember, every journey starts with just a few small steps. Good luck!
  • Are you exercising any? Try checking your body composition for muscle/fat %. Calorie intake for your goal may be ok but your body may think it is not getting enough food. Also, try spreading your calorie intake out over most of the day and try not to skip meals. Good luck and hang in there! :smile:
    in Plateau Comment by cicwes October 2011