dinerroll Member


  • TL/DR--Leg Press The best exercise for "thighs", if that's all you care about, is the leg press (at any angle, although 90 degree is hard on a lot of people's backs). Squats are a better overall exercise as you develop more than just legs, but a leg press with a full ROM is actually better for overall leg/glute…
  • This. Unless I get to the gym at 5 in the morning, factoring in all the BS (waiting for a rack to be free) plus warming up and rest periods cause my similarly programmed workouts to take 60-90 mins. Then again, I'm at the 2/3/4 plate range on bench, squat, dead.
  • You aren't getting too much protein. Even the risks cited by the second poster are negligible/non-existent for most people. Even if they were palpable, there's no way you're getting too much protein. I would think even eating virtually all of your calories as protein and being at a caloric surplus would still not be "too…
  • assuming you're hitting your minimum protein you can get the calories any way you want and you really should get them or you'll plateau a lot faster than otherwise. no "starvation mode" per se, just plateau (starvation mode, as the term is normally used, is scientifically proven to be a myth... that being said, you should…
  • Cliffs: Why don't you just try tracking calories anyway? The only way to lose weight is to burn more than you consume. The only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. There are no foods that are better than others, and if you could get all of your vitamins and minerals from supplements, then you…
  • I've had success recomping using a combo of leangains and what was referred to above as ADF (which I refer to as eat-stop-eat style IF). Basically I eat at a 250-500 cal surplus on my four lifting days. Eat maintenance and do some very light cardio on non-lifting days, and on one non-lifting day I basically don't eat…
  • Unless you're a bodybuilder preparing for contest, which I'm guessing you would have mentioned, or you have absolutely no muscle mass at all, BMI is a decent proxy for you. As such, you're at the lower range of healthy weight. Were you to lose 5 pounds you would be what doctors would call "underweight." Being underweight…
  • ^^^This, although I doubt OP is obsessive/experienced enough to fully understand the post.
  • prob not, sacharine, which has only been correlated to cancer in rats, and has been on the market for decades (implying that cancerous effects in humans would have surfaced by now) has a fairly large red warning label on each packet; sucrose has none.
  • This. I've never used one, but I've only gone for a true max single once. While I didn't injure myself, I felt my poor form the next day. I'm cutting till memorial day and then going to work up to a 1RM test at the end of June. I plan to wear a belt that day. I can go 405x3x5 now. I hope to hit 500+x3x1 by end of June.
  • The study doesn't show that diet drinks cause weight gain, it shows that people that drink diet drinks are likely to be overweight. Those are two very different things. If you're not overweight and like the taste of regular soda better, why would you drink diet drinks? I can't state factually, but I'm reasonably certain…
  • If your arms have fat on them doing arm exercises will not help, there is no way to target fat-loss outside of expensive transdermal stimulant supplements (essentially spray-on caffeine and yohimbe). Strength training in general is a good idea as it will build muscle, and muscle is metabolically active tissue. Try doing…