I feel so proud for losing 40lbs... but my arms still have some sag at the top. I do weight training and cardio but I need help to tone these bad boys up.


  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    Muscle and Fitness Hers magazine usually has some really awesome Arm workouts. They are easy to follow.
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    keep doing the weights you need to build lean muscle. I have the same issue with sagging bat arms and am slowly toning them up. I think you have a year after the weight is gone to get them into shape. Just remember what ever you do to the front muscles do to the back muscles as well. Try using a resistance band. They are cheap and you can do that at home.
  • dinerroll
    dinerroll Posts: 12 Member
    If your arms have fat on them doing arm exercises will not help, there is no way to target fat-loss outside of expensive transdermal stimulant supplements (essentially spray-on caffeine and yohimbe). Strength training in general is a good idea as it will build muscle, and muscle is metabolically active tissue. Try doing deadlifts and squats instead of arm exercises. Don't worry about getting bulky. You will only gain a very small amount of muscle when you first start, called "newb gains." After the newb gain phase it will be physically impossible for you to build any more muscle if you are in a caloric deficit (assuming you don't calorie load before/after strength workouts; a pretty difficult thing to do properly/at all).

    When I started I gained two pounds over two weeks, and then weight loss picked up eating the same amount of calories. Good luck on your arms!

    P.s., if your arms are actually weak and not just a bit flabby, even still don't do arm exercises... deadlifts and presses strengthen arms while also strengthening other muscles.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    I started doing modified push-ups on my desk at work a few weeks ago, and I have gotten several compliments lately about how shapely my arms are looking. I have to do the ones on my desk or the girly ones!
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I was doing Body Combat quite a bit for a while and I think that helped my arms. Although they still have a ways to go...
  • Kaldrmjolka
    Thanks everyone! I have a lot to do and I'll be sure to post the results. ^_^