doctor recommended South Beach



  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    You really don't need to do something this drastic to drop weight. Thousands of people on MFP eat carbs every day and have dropped a tremendous amount of weight.

    I lost 42 lbs before baby came along with MFP myself. No "phases" or uber-restrictive eating habits. Just counting calories and exercise.

    Give it a try for 1 month. It's free. Try just for 1-1.5 lb loss per week at first. Take it easy and see how you do then decide from there if you want to try something more restrictive like SB or one of the hundreds of other "diets" out there.
  • dinerroll
    dinerroll Posts: 12 Member
    Cliffs: Why don't you just try tracking calories anyway? The only way to lose weight is to burn more than you consume.

    The only way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. There are no foods that are better than others, and if you could get all of your vitamins and minerals from supplements, then you could very safely and healthily lose weight eating nothing but butter, white sugar, and a protein source of some kind. This assumes you get daily essential fats and amino acids from such a diet. I personally have full fat ice cream or cookies every night before bed. Unless you have diabetes or another metabolic disorder, your body functions normally and can process carbohydrates just like virtually everyone else; look at the billions of lean people in India and China living on a white rice based diet. Cutting out carbs may help you to consume less for psychological reasons. Perhaps it's because you're eliminating an entire class of foods from your diet; but it's not at all necessary.

    If you choose to do it, good luck. Perhaps try regular calorie restriction through this site first. A lot of people find that once they start seeing what they're putting into their body, it's very easy to stay in line with a preset daily calorie goal. I switched over to a ketogenic diet for a while and found that it worked just exactly as well as a regular "balanced" diet. In a sense it was "harder," because social situations can be weird without carbs (bagel breakfast at work/school for instance). However, I didn't find it any "easier" in terms of eating less. It's just as easy to overeat eggs as it is pasta. After an adaptation period where your body learns to use ketones and fatty acids for energy you'll find it no different than any other diet/eating protocol.
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    South Beach phase 1 was recommended to me too, but only for 2 weeks. I had serious problems with water retention, which was the main reason for the recommendation. I dumped 13 pounds really quickly. But 2 weeks was long enough to break the worst of my sugar cravings too. After the 2 weeks I switched over to counting calories and had little difficulty sticking to a moderate carb, highly restricted processed sugar diet.
    Isn't it generally ONLY recommended for two weeks? I mean for everyone (except those who are told to skip it).

    The South Beach diet was recommended for only 2 weeks and I skipped everything after phase 1. It's not that I think it's necessarily a bad diet as laid out in the book. It just wasn't the way I was advised to go, past the second week, or wanted to go.
  • Kobayashi2B
    If i may recommend, do take a look at Cohen. My cousin is a living testament. She inspired me. :)
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    Also, it seems to me that if you only do the first two weeks (phase 1) and then go back to eating all the things your formerly craved, those cravings would come back, defeating the purpose of ever doing Phase 1. Just my two cents. We all need to do what works for us and what we feel is best for us, and what works for us. Good luck to you all, however you choose to lose.

    You defeat the purpose of any weight loss diet if you go back to eating the way you did before.

    The two weeks on phase 1 didn't permanently rid me of sugar cravings - if I eat cake, I want cake - but it did make it easier to resist that first slice of cake long enough for new and better eating habits to take hold.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Excuse me, Sabine....sorry to have accidentally spoken incorrectly and angered or offended you. I should have said no fruits, breads, pastas or rices. But then, the OP would know this, assuming she has read the book. No need to be so mean.
    I wasn't mean. I pointed out that you were wrong when you stated that there were "no carbs".
    It gives everyone the wrong idea about the diet. It's not a low carb diet, as you know (since you've read the book).

    PS: I was neither offended nor angry. Just correcting the misinformation (which is so common when folks talk about low glycemic eating...)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Also, it seems to me that if you only do the first two weeks (phase 1) and then go back to eating all the things your formerly craved, those cravings would come back, defeating the purpose of ever doing Phase 1. Just my two cents. We all need to do what works for us and what we feel is best for us, and what works for us. Good luck to you all, however you choose to lose.

    ^^This^^ I
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    South Beach phase 1 was recommended to me too, but only for 2 weeks. I had serious problems with water retention, which was the main reason for the recommendation. I dumped 13 pounds really quickly. But 2 weeks was long enough to break the worst of my sugar cravings too. After the 2 weeks I switched over to counting calories and had little difficulty sticking to a moderate carb, highly restricted processed sugar diet.
    Isn't it generally ONLY recommended for two weeks? I mean for everyone (except those who are told to skip it).

    The South Beach diet was recommended for only 2 weeks and I skipped everything after phase 1. It's not that I think it's necessarily a bad diet as laid out in the book. It just wasn't the way I was advised to go, past the second week, or wanted to go.
    Oh, got it. Thanks for clarifying.
  • leeann0517
    leeann0517 Posts: 74 Member
    but then I wonder if I *should* be following it long term . . . sigh

    phase 1 is only recommended for the first 2 weeks - to get you over your cravings. After that you gradually add in more GOOD carbs (the types of things most people think of as carbs - as was pointed out, in the first 2 weeks you eat plenty of veggies). SB is not a diet, it's a way of eating for life. As you get further into it, you're allowed wine and dark chocolate. I think it's a great eating plan, but if you want to eat chips, white pasta, white flour, etc. on a daily basis, it's probably not for you.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    but then I wonder if I *should* be following it long term . . . sigh

    phase 1 is only recommended for the first 2 weeks - to get you over your cravings. After that you gradually add in GOOD carbs. SB is not a diet, it's a way of eating for life. As you get further into it, you're allowed wine and dark chocolate. I think it's a great eating plan, but if you want to eat chips, white pasta, white flour, etc. on a daily basis, it's probably not for you.
    Right. I recommend South Beach to lots of folks as a tutorial on eating healthy, reasonably.
    It's not a super rigid, super clean approach. It's very doable, and flexible.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I tried South Beach back in 2004 and it worked well, but unfortunately it wasn't something I could stick to long term. It did stop all sugar cravings, though.
  • yoyogirl68
    Hi! I chose South Beach because I really wanted to dump my sugar cravings. I was skeptical, but it actually worked. I honestly am not craving all those things I used to. Definitely the first two weeks are the hardest....Phase 1.... No carbs of any kind. After that you get to add back in whole grains and most fruits. I started on August 20 and did not count calories, I just followed the plan laid out in the book. Then three weeks ago I found MFP and could not resist the diet and exercise journal, so I have been consistently logging in and completing my journal. I don't know that it's necessary, but I am a regimented person, so I like that it gives me more structure. I wish you all the best with South Beach! Please feel free to add me as a friend....I haven't come across many people here on South Beach.
    This is incorrect and VERY misleading. Just plain WRONG.
    There are TONS of carbs in the first two weeks. Just no sugar, no fruit, no fruit juice, no "grains".
    Vegetables, beans etc... all have carbs.

    Ease up! She meant starchy carbs. Everyone take a chill pill and settle down.
    We are all here to HELP one another remember :)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    You do not have to do phase one. I skipped it because I was nursing and phase one is strictly forbidden for nursing moms. So if you don't want to torture yourself with phase one, don't.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    South Beach Phase 1 is great for breaking the carb/sugar addiction that many people have. Phase 2 allows you to slowly add back in fruits and whole grains. The official South Beach Plan doesn't tell you to restrict calories, only what foods you can and can't have. So technically you can eat like it instructs, but still not lose weight, or even possibly gain weight if you overeat on the allowable foods. It is still calories in calories out.

    I try to stay away from sugar, bread, pasta, white rice, etc, but still stay within my calorie goal. HOWEVER, NOT eating sugar, and other 'white carbs' , keeps me from having carb cravings, and allows a lot more room to get plenty of good lean proteins and good fats into my day which keeps me full, preserves my muscle, keeps a good energy level, and easily stay within my calorie goal without 'starving'.

    It certainly isn't for everyone, but if you can't seem to lose weight because you just CAN'T give up sugar. Then you are precisely the person this plan is meant for. Break the addiction, then learn how to control your sugar intake in moderation, for your lifetime.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi! I chose South Beach because I really wanted to dump my sugar cravings. I was skeptical, but it actually worked. I honestly am not craving all those things I used to. Definitely the first two weeks are the hardest....Phase 1.... No carbs of any kind. After that you get to add back in whole grains and most fruits. I started on August 20 and did not count calories, I just followed the plan laid out in the book. Then three weeks ago I found MFP and could not resist the diet and exercise journal, so I have been consistently logging in and completing my journal. I don't know that it's necessary, but I am a regimented person, so I like that it gives me more structure. I wish you all the best with South Beach! Please feel free to add me as a friend....I haven't come across many people here on South Beach.
    This is incorrect and VERY misleading. Just plain WRONG.
    There are TONS of carbs in the first two weeks. Just no sugar, no fruit, no fruit juice, no "grains".
    Vegetables, beans etc... all have carbs.

    Ease up! She meant starchy carbs. Everyone take a chill pill and settle down.
    We are all here to HELP one another remember :)
    She said NO CARBS OF ANY KIND. (not "starchy carbs")
    Folks mis-state about low glycemic diets all the time. Which leads many to be mistaken about them. I clarified.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been following a SB lifestyle for 4 years now, and love, love, love it ........ it's simple ...... and definitely in my budget !

    I'm doing another round of Phase 1, just to stay strong & in control before the "holidaze" approach ....... join us ...... go to 'GROUPS' ..... search "South Beach/30 day Shred/6 Weeks" and jump in with both feet ..... there are newbies as well as old pros ....... and we all learn from each other.

    BTW, don't be intimidated by the "Shred" part ........ any exercise is good ..... and the fitness police won't come to your house if you decide to be a couch potato :laugh:

    That being said, I lost 40+ lbs just by eating good food & walking every day ....... now I'm here to tweak the calories & up my exercise ...... and lose that last 10 lbs !

    Mary Ann
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been following a SB lifestyle for 4 years now, and love, love, love it ........ it's simple ...... and definitely in my budget !

    I'm doing another round of Phase 1, just to stay strong & in control before the "holidaze" approach ....... join us ...... go to 'GROUPS' ..... search "South Beach/30 day Shred/6 Weeks" and jump in with both feet ..... there are newbies as well as old pros ....... and we all learn from each other.

    BTW, don't be intimidated by the "Shred" part ........ any exercise is good ..... and the fitness police won't come to your house if you decide to be a couch potato :laugh:

    That being said, I lost 40+ lbs just by eating good food & walking every day ....... now I'm here to tweak the calories & up my exercise ...... and lose that last 10 lbs !

    Mary Ann
    GREAT post!
  • krisann27
    Wow, thanks everyone! I was kind of bummed yesterday when I only had a few replies . . . lol, be careful what you wish for!

    To clarify --

    I am generally a healthy eater when it comes to meals and snacks -- fruits, veggies, generally lean meats, occasional fish and meat-free meals, low fat dairy, whole grains. I also exercise regularly. (See my profile pic -- I completed a triathlon this past summer!!) So, what's the problem, you're wondering? When I binge, it's on sugary, carby food. And I find that I binge a lot lately and mess up any progress I'm making, I also kind of obsess about sugary foods, think about them all the time. So when I talked to my doc about this, she recommended that I give SB a try.

    I've been on Weight Watchers and then mfp for about a year now with NO LOSS. Well, I lost a bunch on WW and gained it back. :/ So I'm thinking of trying SB to see if it helps with my cravings so then I can be more consistent with my generally healthy eating habits.

    I have the book on hold at the library -- will look over the details and decide.

    Thanks for all the input! :)