

  • I agree with what a number of people have said already- Almond milk is awesome. Soy milk is not good if you have a thyroid disorder (amongst other things). I personally find that the lower the fat in cow's milk, the better. I rotate between Almond milk and cow's milk as I prefer cow's milk in my tea. I hope my taste will…
  • I agree with what a number of people have said already- Almond milk is awesome. Soy milk is not good if you have a thyroid disorder (amongst other things). I personally find that the lower the fat in cow's milk, the better. I rotate between Almond milk and cow's milk as I prefer cow's milk in my tea. I hope my taste will…
  • I would really, really, really like to be at my goal weight of 125lbs by Christmas. I am 140 now so another 15lbs should be doable if I can keep on track and bump up my exercise. If I only get down to 130lbs I will be happy though I suppose, lol.
  • Try cutting the pieces smaller and for savoury meals (such as soups) add an avocado for a creamier texture (it'll bump up your fats as well). For legumes let them sit in water over night to soften them without heat. I have a friend on a raw, vegan diet and she makes pumpkin pies, soups, quiche type things (lol), etc…
  • I don't mean to make an obvious or offensive statement but what is your activity level like? Even a simple change like adding a yoga session once a week can make an incredible difference. Also, I know it is not recommended (so perhaps you shouldn't try it) but I put aside a day where I eat as much as I want to at dinner…
  • You also do not want to overexert yourself or you are setting yourself up for failure. I would limit your running to about 3x a week at first and incorporating intervals into the run (rather than one short fast run or one long slow run). This will limit your risks of injury and prevent discouragement. If you are a…
  • Thank you for that information (no worries about the length). It certainly puts into perspective some preconceptions people may have about caloric intake versus weight loss. I will read through it a second time in case the answer to this question is in there- Since starting to track my calories I have increased my caloric…
  • My feelings are little along the lines of justme84x... I eat and drink throughout the day and make sure that I have quality carbs, proteins, and fats in my meals. Since I started using the tracker I have become more aware of how much the little things can add up so I have made some changes such as drinking specialty…
  • Bikram Yoga Sweat that anger out!! Then get an attorney...
  • Well done!!! You guys look awesome!!