Christmas Targets

Hi All.

With christmas being only 2 months away I just wondered what people's goals were to reach by then. I am hoping and trying to get to 50lb lost, I am 32.6 now so just under 18 off that target. If that is not doable then I am hoping to get to 42lbs lost which is 3 stone :)

Anyone else? and how are you planning to reach your goals?

Sarah xx


  • I hadn't thought about that. I know that we have travel plans for the holidays and it would be nice to fit into some of my old clothes. Maybe I will set the goal to be a size 14 by Christmas Eve. If I exercise, I could do that.
  • I'm doing the lose 10lbs by Christmas challenge, although really I would like to lose a stone by Christmas ideally (I will be happy with 10lbs but I'm going to push for a stone).

    I'm planning to just continue what I've been doing so far; 4-6 times a week down the gym, logging my calories, cutting back on sweet treats and cooking more to keep the calories down.
  • niclagi
    niclagi Posts: 177 Member
    I don't have a christmas target but my goal is to drop 20 lb by February.
  • sarahavery
    sarahavery Posts: 167 Member
    Come on everyone!!! I know we can do this :D
  • vs_shine
    vs_shine Posts: 1,322 Member
    I weigh 140 now. My goal is to weigh 130 for Christmas :-)
  • My overall target is to be at my goal weight by my birthday. I would like to lose about 10 pounds a month. I've already lost 8 pounds, so hopefully I'll lose my 2 pounds this week to keep up with my goal. So to answer the question, I'd like to lose 20 more putting me at 166 by Christmas! YAY!
  • melis89
    melis89 Posts: 13
    I have lost 40 lbs and I am really hoping to lose another 15 lbs before Christmas. I had a hard week last week though and didn't lose anything. That was the first week that has happened and it was a little frustrating. I guess I will just keep pushing through! I will see a lot of my family members at Christmas that I won't have seen in a long time and I just want to lose enough that they will notice.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    My Christmas goal is to get to my pre-baby weight. From my weigh in today that is 11 lbs. I was really hoping to get it done by Thanksgiving but TOM got in the way and I usually gain 3 lbs during that week.

    I also want to finish 6 week 6 pack and start back on the 30 DS. My goal is 5 days a week to work out.

    I would also love to fit back into a size 14.
  • I would really, really, really like to be at my goal weight of 125lbs by Christmas. I am 140 now so another 15lbs should be doable if I can keep on track and bump up my exercise. If I only get down to 130lbs I will be happy though I suppose, lol.
  • I'm hoping to be 210 by Christmas day. That's 23lbs from where I am now.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    I'm hoping to reach my orignal goal of 145 lbs which is 9 lbs to go by Christmas. I had hoped to get all the way to my goal of 135 but I have really been struggling lately to loose so 145 would be awesome.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    It's 8 weeks away... would love to lose 8 pounds. I'm not big on setting timed goals though.
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    I am shooting for 10 pounds by Christmas. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I was at a plateau for at least a month. Then I went on a vacation and was really bad following that only to put 8 lbs. back on. I will be ok with 10 but would really love 15 or 20!
  • JennBunny73
    JennBunny73 Posts: 268 Member
    I am hoping to be 20 pounds lighter by Christmas and 10 by Thanksgiving. I know that is going to take some major effort, but I am ready to push for that goal :)
  • I have lost 40 lbs and I am really hoping to lose another 15 lbs before Christmas. I had a hard week last week though and didn't lose anything. That was the first week that has happened and it was a little frustrating. I guess I will just keep pushing through! I will see a lot of my family members at Christmas that I won't have seen in a long time and I just want to lose enough that they will notice.

    Me too! I would like to lose enough to notice!
  • lannlynn
    lannlynn Posts: 72 Member
    That final 8.8 pounds will put me at my goal!! I can do it!
  • Hey Sarah, don't get me wrong. But it's nearly impossible to lose that much weight in 2 months, without causing serious harm or muscle wastage. I'm speaking from experience, since I managed to lose 52 lbs in 6 months and I was able to retain most my muscle mass and look good naked!

    I'm sure with the right program, you can lose around 25 to 30 lbs in 2 months. I personally lost weight by following a program designed by a husband and wife who lost a lot of weight themselves. The program is based on very sound scientific principles and optimizes your body to burn fat fast rather than muscle.

    So you can do it if you eat the right foods and exercise! However, make sure you don't cause harm to your health! One girl in my college planned to fast for 40 days last year to lose weight for holidays. That's crazy! She ended up failing of course!

    All the best!
  • sarahavery
    sarahavery Posts: 167 Member
    they are some good targets. I too would like people to notice more. I see most family day to day so the comments are few and far between, but hopefully i'll see more people and they'll notice a bigger difference. (although my dad actually commented on how good i looked when i bought some smaller clothes and nice boots, which suprised me as he doesnt usually comment on stuff like that!!) :smile:
  • Hey Sarah, don't get me wrong. But it's nearly impossible to lose that much weight in 2 months, without causing serious harm or muscle wastage. I'm speaking from experience, since I managed to lose 52 lbs in 6 months and I was able to retain most my muscle mass and look good naked!

    I'm sure with the right program, you can lose around 25 to 30 lbs in 2 months. I personally lost weight by following a program designed by a husband and wife who lost a lot of weight themselves. The program is based on very sound scientific principles and optimizes your body to burn fat fast rather than muscle.

    So you can do it if you eat the right foods and exercise! However, make sure you don't cause harm to your health! One girl in my college planned to fast for 40 days last year to lose weight for holidays. That's crazy! She ended up failing of course!

    All the best!

    What is this program?
  • they are some good targets. I too would like people to notice more. I see most family day to day so the comments are few and far between, but hopefully i'll see more people and they'll notice a bigger difference. (although my dad actually commented on how good i looked when i bought some smaller clothes and nice boots, which suprised me as he doesnt usually comment on stuff like that!!) :smile:

    That's really nice! Keep on going! Compliments is one of the best motivation factors!