

  • Yes running does make u feel up-beat and extra peppy. I feel like that every time I run.
  • Loving your list!! You can definitely add me as a friend....request on the way. #3 *whispers* how did you learn to do that...lol :smile:
  • Welcome to MFP!!! I've been on for a few months and looking for more friends to help motivate me as well. Sending a friend request :smile: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • You can add me!!! I've been on for a few months and definitely need some more motivation to get back on the wagon!!! :happy: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • You can add me!! :happy:
  • Friends on here are the best!!! They keep you motivate and they are on your butt (in a nice way LOL!!!) if they see you not logging in. This site definitely motivates to stay focused and watch the pounds slowly disappear. I've been on for a couple of months. It's been up and down for me, because of things going on but im…
  • I love to be your friend...sending a friend request!!! :happy:
  • Definitely don't weight in everyday. As women our body weight goes up and down on a daily basis, so what you want to do is pick one day out of the week and weight every week on that specific day. Pounds don't really matter as much as inches do. If you start to notice a difference in how you clothes begin to fit and you…
  • SW 186 SW MFP: 184.3 Measurements are the same haven't lost anymore inches, but I did lose another pound this week. I was praying for 2lbs this week, but I'll take 1lb. I haven't been documenting all the past weeks of weight lost only the week before. Last weigh in: 182.2 Current weight: 181.2 Goal at end of 10 week…
  • I'm definitely in for this challenge. I'm currently in the 10 week Challenge and it's almost over, so I would love to join this challenge to keep me focused. Just weighed in today and I'm super excited. I lost two pounds this week!!! I know I can do the five pounds per month and possbily more. June 4th- 182.2 Good Luck…
  • OK super happy!!! I've lost this past week even after memorial day weekend. I know I stayed focused and I use my dog as an excuse to get outside and walk at least 20-30minutes everyday after work and longer on the weekends. Starting Weight MFP 184.2 Current Weight : 182.1 Goal Weight : 120-125 Two pound loss this week!!!!…
  • I know one thing that helps me during the day when I feel myself getting hungry in between meals is packing healthy snacks that I can nibble on through out the day. For instance, if you like strawberries cut up about 1 cup of strawberries and that could be a snack to eat at least 2 or three hours after you've eaten…
  • Well no losses or gains here, but I'm going keep on keeping on!!!! Starting MFP Weight : 184.3lbs Weigh In: 184.1 Goal Weight: 125 10 Week Challenge Goal: 150
  • Yes you can definitely lose weight with walking. I agree with the other posters that you don't want to get comfortable walking a slow pace everyday. Increasing the amount of time you walk doesn't always help. You'll want to increase the speed that you walk or change your area where there are more up's and down's in your…
    in Walking Comment by drucilla8 May 2010
  • I would like to join the 10 week challenge. I hate I missed the first two weeks, but I think this will keep me motivated to stay focused and continue to workout on a constant basis. I'm that on and off workout person. I'll work out for couple of weeks straight then I'll stop for another week, because something comes up and…