

  • No you're not!!! I'm 63. Welcome.
  • Welcome, I just joined last month and I have to say the daily logging of food really helps, but more importantly, the support you get from other members can help get you through the day. Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend. Margie
  • Hi, I just read your post and wanted to reply. I also have fatigue isses with Sjogren's Syndrome and some days feel like I can't even move. I find it really hard to get motivated to exercise. I like your way of thinking. Small spurts of exercise whenever you can is better than nothing at all. I try to do 10 minutes on bike…
  • Hi, I'm new to site and so glad I found someone else who has autoimmune issues. i know what you mean about fatigue - been having a rough time with it the past two weeks. I'm hoping I will find the support I need to keep losing weight. good luck to you. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Margie
  • Thank you so much. You are my inspiration for today!
  • Hi, This sounds like a delicious receipe...I love pumpkin pie. Just joined this website yesterday. Congratulations on your weight loss - I hope I will be just as lucky. Margie