

  • That's great. My friend has been slowly losing weight too but it's hard to tell because i see her all the time and it's coming off slowly (which is the best way). She was saying the same thing that she still fits in all her clothes and she can't really see it. The first bit is bloat and water weight but then all of a…
  • I have a whole box of "skinny clothes" that i just don't have the heart to get rid of yet. Hopefully i'll fit into those soon. After I had my first daughter i needed bigger clothes but i planned to lose the weight so i went to the nicer goodwill in town and bought a bunch of jeans and shorts just to get me by. I didn't…
  • WOW!!!!! Ok now i'm jealous, lol. I hope to look like that in a bathingsuit soon. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
  • This is my weakness. My husband and oldest daughter need to gain weight and gorge on swiss cake rolls and cookies as a late night snack. I crave sweets after every single meal. It is so hard not to grab one. Right now i'm trying to keep it within just one pack of the 100 calorie packs. Maybe after a week or 2 i can even…