Fatymira Member


  • I love and I have got the time to read diaries feel free to add me> Not every one understands that sometimes little support can go a very long way as long as its on time.
  • Hi there, I am in the UK too. Its so nice to have someone from the same country...far easier to exchange recipes and keep motivated. Feel free to add me.
  • it is really good :-)
  • GO and get jeans one size smaller then what you are and when u can`t get in them it will make u angry and you`ll get back on track. :-D .... well this is what I do ...
    in :( Comment by Fatymira October 2011
  • Its more likely I have. Depend on what you like to eat and how many times a day you need to eat. Surely u know if u r used to eating 5 times a day going on a diet and cutting down on meals as well as on cal is not the best idea. Tell me what is it u would enjoy eating and how many times and I can see if I have any tricks…
  • Thank you ever so much :-)
    in Hi all Comment by Fatymira October 2011
  • Don`t be upset with yourself. This horrible feeling when u pick up ur size in the shop and go in the fitting room and the anger, the embarrassment , on way out when u have to leave the item on the rail cos it dosen`t fit ...its all so familiar. The good news is u have made the right decision and eve more u put the plan…