I need friends who ACTUALLY read diaries !

Today I ate very little. Only about 400 calories :( I woke up VERY late and wasn't hungry because I went to the fair this week. I ate calorie ridden foods (candy apple, bowl of nacho cheese, lemonade, ice cream, fried dough) and walked around a lot, chased my fitness instructors 4 year old around, climbed on suspended rides and in the consent G force gravitational pull from rides where you could barely move !

Before I had a 600 calorie muffin, there were people saying "great job, good day" etc.
I don't want that ! I want "hope you're okay ! Get something to eat before bed" etc.


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It is no one else's responsibility to monitor your food intake. Time to become an adult and be responsible for your own actions.
  • LovinDaNewLiz002
    LovinDaNewLiz002 Posts: 18 Member
    I understand where your coming from but honestly that is your job to make sure you eat right and eat enough. What may be bad to you may be okay to others. I can't tell people what to eat and what not too...were all different and different foods and exercise work for different people...
  • mavis2014
    I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting a few people to glance your food diary, and comment in a positive manner. I know I am here for support, and when I have time I will try my best to offer support to others.

    Hang in there! The State Fair doesn't hit my area til the end of October. I will have to plan in advance before I go. :)
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I love checking diaries. feel free to add me.
  • Nettabee
    Nettabee Posts: 296 Member
    It is no one else's responsibility to monitor your food intake.


    I personally don't read or discuss people's diaries, neither do I comment on "completed journal entry". It's not my concern. It's ultimately down to the person what they're gonna put in their mouth. I'm just here to give/receive encouragement, offer support or a push if needed, and keep track of what I'M doing.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    It is no one else's responsibility to monitor your food intake.


    I personally don't read or discuss people's diaries, neither do I comment on "completed journal entry". It's not my concern. It's ultimately down to the person what they're gonna put in their mouth. I'm just here to give/receive encouragement, offer support or a push if needed, and keep track of what I'M doing.

    Yup. I personally cannot stand Diary Nazis.
  • Fatymira
    Fatymira Posts: 9 Member
    I love and I have got the time to read diaries feel free to add me> Not every one understands that sometimes little support can go a very long way as long as its on time.
  • ChristineinMA
    ChristineinMA Posts: 312 Member
    I understand where your coming from but honestly that is your job to make sure you eat right and eat enough. What may be bad to you may be okay to others. I can't tell people what to eat and what not too...were all different and different foods and exercise work for different people...

    Agreed! Most of us are not trained in nutrition, nutrition counseling, etc - I don't feel qualified to comment on most people's food choices. "There are many paths up the mountain"

    I give my sister a hard time on here about undereating because I saw my father do that. He would gain weight from eating next to nothing.
  • seepersaud
    seepersaud Posts: 5,759 Member
    I understand how the OP feels. I have a small friends list so it's more of a quality vs. quantity thing. That said, I don't know where everyone is on their fitness journey, what their goals are and what I can offer that's informed commentary. When I look at food diaries (and I hardly ever do - it feels a little too personal even if people allow it), I honestly can't think of anything to say other than, "Hey, I like McDonald's/pizza/Chinese food too." Like someone said earlier, "there are many pathways up the mountain." Who am I to say anything if your path is different than mine? If someone is clearly starving himself or herself, and it's not someone whom I know offline, there's nothing I can really do. I'm so sorry to say that, but it's true.

    People will write comments like "good logging" which I don't find insightful but what else are they going to say? If I'm 300 calories under for a day, I get the "good day" comments. Or, if I ride my bike for half an hour, I get "great ride". Fortunately, I'm in the maintenance mode, so I don't need to be 300 calories under most of the time. If I spend half an hour on the bike, I feel like I didn't get enough time. I don't find the comments irritating; everyone's hearts are in the right place. Everything I do on MFP doesn't need a response; I don't want people to feel like they have to make a comment on every single thing.
  • graceire
    graceire Posts: 323 Member
    I don't comment on my friends diaries. I might glance through them sometimes, but I've stopped commenting. I actually had one guy drop me from his friends list for mentioning how low his calories were. A guy in his early 40's, doing 2-3 hours of exercise a day, really should be eating more than 1300 calories a day--how dare I say something... :noway:

    Although, I have dropped friends after seeing weeks worth of less than 1000 calories a day. Don't have time for that nonsense...

    On the flip side, I don't post mine either. Its open to my friends, but I don't publish it everyday.
  • Kirijyma
    Kirijyma Posts: 35
    It is no one else's responsibility to monitor your food intake. Time to become an adult and be responsible for your own actions.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    I never read them. Well, rarely. And this didn't start just cause I collected more friends.

    It's not my job to make/keep my friends accountable.

    IF they are having a bad day they usually vocalize it, with words. I am all supportive if they use their big girl or boy voices.

    How am I suppose to know how they feel or what they need based off a food diary.

    Sorry OP, but I think you need to put yourself in charge of YOU
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    It is no one else's responsibility to monitor your food intake. Time to become an adult and be responsible for your own actions.

    ^^^^ What he said.

    It's like you need people to rationalize your unhealthy eating habits, that's your problem, not anybody else's.
  • zeebruhgirl
    zeebruhgirl Posts: 493 Member
    I check them, but if you have more than two days under 1200 I'll end up deleting you.
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    most people on MFP don''t understand tha word 'support'. it doesn't mean you need to lie, it means you advice a person where you think you know something abt it. People with open diaries should also be ready to be 'critised' or adviced.
    it was funny actually seeing 'great day' to a person who costantly drinks 8 cans beers plus small 750 ml wine bottle per day. It is crazy! she was a person in my friend list but after suggesting her to reduce alcohol intake she went paranoid and finally i told her to remove me from her friend list. I don't like to say 'well done' after you had '1600 cal only on alcohol and then you eat very small. Nothing makes sense to me. Also we are here to leave out bad habits and some people just deceive themselves!

    however it is your responsibility to eat properly but i also suggest you to delate people who comment your diary just to get a comment back! you don't need them. I prefer few friends and I can follow them when i have time and exchange some messages. That's it!!
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    I check them, but if you have more than two days under 1200 I'll end up deleting you.

    Anyway this is stupid because no all people need 1200 per day. My mum tdaa is 1100 cal a day because she is old.. so let's not say rubbish..
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    continue... she would have been a bufalo right now if she would eat more than 1200 as she is not active. so please
  • _EndGame_
    _EndGame_ Posts: 770 Member
    most people on MFP don''t understand tha word 'support'. it doesn't mean you need to lie, it means you advice a person where you think you know something abt it. People with open diaries should also be ready to be 'critised' or adviced.
    it was funny actually seeing 'great day' to a person who costantly drinks 8 cans beers plus small 750 ml wine bottle per day. It is crazy! she was a person in my friend list but after suggesting her to reduce alcohol intake she went paranoid and finally i told her to remove me from her friend list. I don't like to say 'well done' after you had '1600 cal only on alcohol and then you eat very small. Nothing makes sense to me. Also we are here to leave out bad habits and some people just deceive themselves!

    however it is your responsibility to eat properly but i also suggest you to delate people who comment your diary just to get a comment back! you don't need them. I prefer few friends and I can follow them when i have time and exchange some messages. That's it!!

    ^^^^ Fully agree with this.

    I don't drink. I used to, but not anymore, and not because I ever had a problem with alcohol, I just find it to be a waste of money, calories and brain cells.

    I have friends (in real life, not cyber ones) that drink everyday, work and maintain a healthy weight. They don't starve themselves and they eat a relatively healthy and balanced diet.

    If someone was to allot their whole daily allowance of calories to alcohol, then eat a tiny amount of food, I would say they have a drink problem, besides an eating problem.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I kind of think that commenting on someone's day every single day is a bit excessive anyway. I usually don't. I also don't comment on burning 180 calories either. I comment on any weight loss, and on most personal posts about struggles, NSV's etc.

    I often read diaries, but I would never make a public criticism of what someone ate. Period....well, unless I was joking about something really gross, like artichokes. Eating only 500 calories in a day won't hurt anyone anyway, as long as it is just once in awhile. Neither will having a junk food filled day occasionally. If I saw someone was consistently eating very little I might PM the person, but probably not. I'm not anyone's mother. The only thing that would likely make me delete someone was if he or she publicly criticized what I ate. That would annoy me. I know if I have screwed up.