

  • Ok, so I asked my roommate and he said that it has a lot of healthy side effects like improving circulation, lowering blood sugar, aiding in digestion.. I found this article that gives a bit of information on the benefits of Cinnamon..
  • I have a roommate that adds quite a bit of it to his salads. I'm not sure if he just likes the taste of it or if it is because of some other reason, but he is always eating very healthy. I know it smells good...
  • Can I still get in on this group?
  • I did not know this..thanks for the tip!
  • Ok, so yeah...I can totally relate.... There are times when I tell myself, don't give in to that craving..You shouldn't eat that...stop and back away from the sugar... But I still eat it...I feel terrible afterwards and I don't know what to do about it. People tell you that the goal to losing weight is to just simply stop…
  • Be careful and watch your moods. My roommate took it and his mood went from easy going carefree guy to raging Jerk very quickly. He decided not to take it anymore after a night that ended in seriously offending our new neighbors, which still won't talk to us by the way. He felt very horrible and tried to make it up to…
  • I'm new here, but my thoughts exactly :) lol Popcorn would be so great right about now. :)
  • I'm not a morning person either...and I used to say the same thing about people that can get up that early in the morning :) I just recently started TEAM Fitness at my gym that meets on Mon, Wed, and Friday mornings at 6AM!!! I know right...but you know it only took a couple of weeks to get used to it and it makes me feel…