a look into my PERSONAL diary entry about binging



  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    You no I was thinking, I was eating a lot cleaner before. I was able to afford healthier foods. I didn't have the binging problem! I eat from a food pantry and a church. They give you so much unhealthy food. I think eating like I do now my body craves more food. Do I make any sence? The processed food has ingredients to make you crave more sugars, fat ,carbs,
  • Thank you so much for sharing and being so brave.

    I feel a lot for your post because it feels like your were reading my mind. I've lost the weight and prob at the point I should be stopping now....which i dont mind. The only thing is I can't stop obsessing about what I eat, to be exact, what I snack. I really feel for the bit where you cave in for the sweets, just a small bit.... feel good/high for not being "slave to the scale", indulge and then feel sick afterward.

    Everyday is a struggle. My worst place is work because the place is always fill with sweets (well, its my job)...cakes, cookies, chocolates...you name it! I can't get away from them. Sometime it got to the point that i'm really nervous to go to the office in the morning. I have to mentally prepare myself on the way to work every morning...finding reason and strength to not snack for that day...OR find reason I should be allow to snack that day. I'm a nervous reck by the time I reach the office, so afraid of what today's going to turn out like

    Oh..the hours I spend thinking about food and calories....it's definitely unhealthy!!
  • ritzhitea
    ritzhitea Posts: 3 Member
    You are definitely not alone. I think I do something similar but haven't completely recognized it yet I am often confused that I stick to good eating most of the time and still manage to maintain a weight that is not desirable to me.

    The food diary is the key to my understanding that I think because I do have binge moments.

    I know for sure though that obsessing is not healthy (in any area of life) and that at the point of accepting what is we can start to change things for ourselves in a gentle way. I think I am at least working out what to accept.

    Thanks for sharing your diary I think it's a really important part of a lot of our lives, and congratulations on you great weight loss up to now. I hope to report a similar loss soon enough. :smile:
  • My problem is pizza...and yes I will binge on it and eat a whole one if not watched. It affects my weight and my sugars..both which I am trying to bring down. Since being on here I have noticed my eating habits have been changing somewhat. At least I am eating less. With luck it will help me in controling that pizza urges...instead of the whole thing maybe just a cpl slices. Either way if I can eventually stop myself from eating a whole pizza at a sitting I will count it as a win.
  • Jess05071981
    Jess05071981 Posts: 44 Member
    I am going to say that I know this cycle. I have go through this all the time. It is mentally draining. I feel like a terrible person and get really down on myself. You are not alone!
  • As many have said, Thank you for sharing, and you are definately NOT ALONE.
  • Ok, so yeah...I can totally relate....

    There are times when I tell myself, don't give in to that craving..You shouldn't eat that...stop and back away from the sugar...

    But I still eat it...I feel terrible afterwards and I don't know what to do about it. People tell you that the goal to losing weight is to just simply stop eating things that are bad for you...

    I can't agree with this..It's so much more than just backing away from the table or putting something down. There is a mental process that sometimes gets in the way...

    I've brought myself to tears before because I kept telling myself to stop eating and I just continued to put food in my mouth knowing it would end badly....

    You have to take it day by day and get back up when you fall...It's hard and sometimes their is a bruise, but you just have to keep getting back up.