20 pounds down by Christmas!



  • Not sure if you got my weight for today..i posted it on the LIBC update page..not sure where you want us to post but i weigh 227.6

    where is the LIBC update page? I wasn't able to find it.
  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    I checked in on the LIBC thread. Here is the link for anyone who couldn't find it: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/374407-libc-challengers-update
  • I'm in! Do we post here what our weight loss is for the week? Do you want the amount we weigh too? I'm new here so please let me know how it works. I just started here for I only have one weigh in so far.

  • jazzkat68
    jazzkat68 Posts: 101 Member
    No weight loss this week...thanks TOM!! ugh... still 231.
  • After a week of being sick I'm down to 170.6, that's 3lbs for me. Now that I'm on the mend I hope to keep it off this next week.
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey Ladies: Wonderful weigh-ins. I notice a LOT of us are on TOM schedule (including me..) It sucks, doesn't it? All I want is salt and chocolate! Anyway, I haven't been feeling well lately, so I haven't been as active at the gym/on our thread. It's my own fault, I don't even want to look at the scale until I start again Monday and I go hard this week-

    BUT, I'd like to make one things VERY clear--- THIS IS A CLOSED GROUP! PLEASEEEEEEE for the love of GOD, stop sending me messages asking me if it's too late to join the challenge. Like I said before, you are more than welcome to join but don't send me weigh-ins, you aren't on my list! Not to be mean, but really, I am only one human being here and there are a LOT of you that are very confused about what a weigh-in is. So let me make my second point CRYSTAL clear as well-

    POST YOUR WEIGH INS ON THIS THREAD <--- did you read that? if you didn't, go back and read it.

    Can we say it together now..





    Not on my MFP wall, not through a message, not through an e-mail and not through a text. If anyone weighs in NOT in this thread, I will delete it and angirly shake my fist at you.

    Remember (In case you forgot)

    Post your WEIGH-IN on THIS (the one you're reading this in) THREAD! PLEASE! On Sunday! Not on Monday, or Saturday, or never-- but on SUNDAY.

    Anywho, now that we are all on the same page.. and we know WHERE to post our weigh-ins. We can move on with life.

    So did anyone lose more than 8 lbs? I saw one of you ladies managed to lose 8 in one week! That's amazing, but also beware of how much you are doing. You don't want to over work your body and potentially hurt yourself.. that would delay your weight loss even more :( And knee/back injuries are the absolute WORST!

    Let's see.. something awesome that happened this week was the lost of over 6 inches around my stomach! And I also don't fit into any of my pants anymore. Does anyone else have that awesome issue of clothing not fitting? I LOVE IT! :D Now you name something happened in your life!!

    Tell me a story about someone in your life that INSPIRES you to become healthy! That's your homework :)

    Love you all!
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    Hey Ladies-

    I am currently keeping an Excel spreadsheet. I just haven't had the time to convert it yet, but I am keeping you all updated, promise! Whoever wants to volunteer to make that Google spreadsheet just message me with your e-mail address so I can e-mail you the spreadsheet I already have. I still keep mine updated, but perhaps it would be easier for you all to follow. I enjoy the great ideas :D!

    As for the new Zumba member YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See, I told you it was the most awesome thing ever!

    All you ladies that are weighing in early, I will put you in my spread-sheet. I was well on my way to my goal until TOM came around and it was like.. you must eat chocolate and salt and LOTS of water. Thus, I am +3 lbs for the week. I'm trying not to get discouraged, but it's a little difficult sometimes.

    Anywho- Keep up the fantastic weight-loss. You're all an inspiration to me !!!! :D
    Did you get my message for the spreadsheet?
  • miggyxstardust
    miggyxstardust Posts: 40 Member
    So I had a 3lb gain this week making me 158lb. I've been working very hard and exercising everyday. I've even stayed within my calorie goal, so its very frustrating. I've been so dedicated this week too. I've been waking up early to exercise, and have even worked out twice almost everyday of the week. I'm on the pill, so I don't even know if I put on weight when I'm supposed to have my scheduled TOM, and thats not until 10 days from now. I'm disappointed in myself and discouraged, especially because I only have 5 days until I go home and see my friends, family, and the boy I'm interested in. I guess I'm just going to have to really work hard this week, and maybe the weight will come off.
  • weigh in is 229lbs
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    So I had a 3lb gain this week making me 158lb. I've been working very hard and exercising everyday. I've even stayed within my calorie goal, so its very frustrating. I've been so dedicated this week too. I've been waking up early to exercise, and have even worked out twice almost everyday of the week. I'm on the pill, so I don't even know if I put on weight when I'm supposed to have my scheduled TOM, and thats not until 10 days from now. I'm disappointed in myself and discouraged, especially because I only have 5 days until I go home and see my friends, family, and the boy I'm interested in. I guess I'm just going to have to really work hard this week, and maybe the weight will come off.

    You know, what I've found is that.. even though the number may not be showing it on the scale, and you are extremely discouraged (just like I have been feeling this week)... look at what you were at 3 or 4 months ago, and see how far you've come. Remember, you're doing this for YOU not for your friends or anyone else. So be proud of your accomplishments, and stay healthy!
  • Checking in. I stayed the same this week, still at 289 =/
  • futuregill
    futuregill Posts: 73 Member
    165lb thats a 2lb lost this week
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Down 0.6 to 154.4 this week! Wish it had been more, but I'm happy for the loss. :)
  • mpbfmom
    mpbfmom Posts: 49 Member
    Weigh - in (I weigh in on Fridays)...270.
  • mattiol4
    mattiol4 Posts: 89 Member
    Checking in! CW=162.8 :) Down 1 pound from last week!

    Have a good week everyone!
  • irisherin82
    irisherin82 Posts: 66 Member
    Weigh in - 205.2 (a 2.6lbs loss) Wooo hooo! Hope everyone has a great week!
  • miggyxstardust - My guess is that your having some muscle swelling from all the working out. When you're starting a new workout or you're working extra hard your muscles swell a bit making it appear on a scale that you've gained when actually you've probably lost. Either back off some of your workout or give it a week or 2 for your muscles to adjust. I've had this happen a few times when starting a new program or doing several days of hard exercise. You could also do measurements to see what you're really losing. You've probably lost inches.
  • I'm in for sure!!!!
  • Can I still get in on this group?
  • nford8
    nford8 Posts: 5
    My weigh-in for Oct 23 is 170