20 pounds down by Christmas!



  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    That's awesome! That must feel great! :) More than the weight loss, I like it when people notice :)

    I had a couple people at work tell me that they can tell that I have lost weight and that I look great! I can see that some other people that I don't interact with everyday have been turning around to get a second look wondering what is different with me :)

    Also I went and bought a smaller size jeans on Sunday. That felt soooooo good!

    But.. but (there is a but).. TOM is here today (boooo). I have to stay low for a couple days now and hopefully the smaller size pants will motivate me again in 3 days ;-)

    Ugh mine too! I hate that! I was used to losing about 2lbs a week, and then I got on the scale and had GAINED 3 lbs. I was so mad, and then I thought, ohhhh this is water weight. I love being a girl. :o\

    Hopefully, we will be pleasantly surprised on Sunday when the effects of TOM are over.

    Stay on track! I got your back!

    ha! love being a girl, right? haha thanks - glad we are in it together! Yep, the scale was up 2 lbs this morning! :-( I know it's because of the TOM so I am trying not to think about it too much. Off to munch on some dark chocolate! seems to help my mood ;-)
  • tulip07
    tulip07 Posts: 167 Member
    Hey folks! How are you all doing with your weight loss? I read the comments from a few of you who are trying something new, and that is WONDERFUL! Today at Zumba she decided to add a 5 minute song of just pure squats. Let's just say, my legs and butt are feeling sore! My TOM is coming as well, so I've been over indulging in the chocolate and the salt.. really bad. This is the worst binge I've had since I've started. It doesn't help they fed us Whoppers from BK for two days at the the two day meeting I was at. Terrible... I've tried to make it better by exercising more than I usually do during the week, but I feel like I did some baaaad stuff. I lost 3 lbs at the beginning of the week, I hope I didn't mess that up. Tomorrow is my day off, so I am going to go to the gym for a few hours, and then take a rest. I think I've been over-working as well to make up for the bad food I have been eating. Tonight at Zumba I literally ran out of energy. That never happens with me, I normally can go hard for a long, long time. (that's what she said...!)

    No but really, it concerned me how light headed I got. I can also tell when I am eating badly because it makes it that much more difficult to exercise (like when you have those days where you have to struggle through every single minute you are running or working out...it's terrible) All I can do at this point is recognize my mistakes, move past them, and get back on my schedule tomorrow. I made a nice fresh, tasty! salad..and I'm pumped :)

    So ladies, when you have those off days, or even when you have those off weeks... it's ok. Life happens. You can't be perfect every day or every week or every month, and I want you all to know that's OKAY! We are all human, we all indulge and we all suck sometimes! Myself included (majorly this week..) But you know what's great? At least we KNOW we are doing something bad ... we know we shouldn't be eating that, or missing work-outs... we feel guilty about it, right? That's the wonderful feeling of a healthy lifestyle. I think we have FINALLY made the 'diet' a permanent life change! So be excited you feel guilty, because months or years ago, this would have just been a typical eating day for you (me, at least). I ate fast food probably 3-4 times a week! (seriously... I'm not ashamed to say it). I ate it ALL the time, and my body actually became addicted to it. Now when I have it, I feel terribly.. my stomach hurts, and I can (this is going to sound weird) feel the sodium in my body, it's really terrible.

    But I'm glad to have the feeling, it means that every other day I'm doing something right :) Anyway, sorry for the small book I left up there. I'm in need of a little motivation!

    PS- Whoever has that Zumba tracker, PLEASE let me know how you did it! :D

    HAVE A FANTASTIC WORK OUT TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Missed your post before I replied. Load up on that dark chocolate. TOM is really our time of the month to eat some chocolate and take it easy. That's what nature intended, or so I like to believe ;-) Don't beat yourself up! Forgive yourself, put your feet up and relax for a couple days! You will get back in the groove in no time again!
  • mamafrahm
    mamafrahm Posts: 132 Member
    My weight from last sunday is 195, can't wait to weigh in again this week!!
  • cmoutarimoussa
    cmoutarimoussa Posts: 93 Member
    This week for me has also been a bad week. Financial stuff and day care issues, have sent me into a mode of slight depression this week and i have pretty much eaten whatever i want..i have been keeping track of my calories and havent gone over them by too much but its still bad cause i havent been exercising. I am dreading seeing what i weigh on friday( that is my normal day to weigh in) but i will also weigh in on sunday! I just hope that i have maintained my weight of 229. And next week is gonna be stricked cause i need to lose this weight, i want to prove it to those ppl that say i cant lose 20lbs by Christmas and I also want to prove to those ppl that say 100lbs is too big of a number to lose on your own. NO ITS NOT, I CAN DO IT! I HAVE ALREADY LOST 36LB ON MY OWN WHICH IS AWESOME!!! Well thats how my week has gone. Hope everyone else had a better week.
  • kellyhook88
    kellyhook88 Posts: 18 Member
    Am i too late to join in??
  • Well I should have a nice entry this week if I can keep it off. Being sick has done wonders. I'm finally feeling better to get up a move around. I will do my best not to let the weekend ruin my loss but with the family it's always hard.
  • I'm in as well!

    I'll need some help with getting my workout routine in order and suggestions for creative healthy eating!

    Thanks for such an awesome challenge :)
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    I haven't been keeping an eye on this thread, but just read through several pages and everyone is doing so well!

    My new thing this week is a new workout DVD, I've ordered 2 kickboxing DVDs as it's something I've always wanted to do, but I can't get to a group round here. I'm really looking forward to trying them out :happy:

    I know I'm not going to lose much this week after my 4lbs last week. It's TOM this week and while I've been lucky enough not to gain, I've not lost either. Oh well!
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    For my ticker. I just created an MFP ticker (under tools at the top) & did one where you could add an image, and added the zumba logo as my image :)

    cmout, I'm sorry you've had a bad week. It seems like the past 3 months we have been BROKE because unexpected things with our cars keep coming up, or other random things. One of our cars broke down twice last month AND 2 days ago had a nail in a tire we had to replace! It's just one thing after another! It all always works out though :)

    Kersey, good luck with the family stuff. It is always hard. If your family knows what you're trying to do, though, they will probably be supportive!

    Anita, my advice is to just stick to your calories by eating the most healthy food possible. I eat lots of fruits, lean meats, & only healthy "treats" like yogurt, fat free ice cream or frozen yogurt, or animal crackers. You can go out to eat & treat yourself, just make sure you get in a good workout to earn the calories for it! Also, be as active as possible. That goes a long way. A lot of people on here say that losing weight is 90% diet & 10% exercise, but I highly disagree. I think it's 50/50! If you get your body into a regular workout routine and eat healthy, the weight will come off! I would HIGHLY encourage you to TRY a zumba class near you. You can search at zumba.com. They normally cost $6-8 per class & it is a GREAT, FUN workout that I swear by. I know I would not go to the gym as often as I do if it weren't for the motivation zumba gives me. Good luck to you!

    Cat, I hope you like kickboxing! I just took my first class this past week & it was a good workout! My gym only offers it once a week but when I'm free I will be attending again! Let us know how you like it!

    I had the WORST workout EVER yesterday. There was a substitute zumba instructor who was AWFUL! My first ever zumba class was with a sub who isn't even certified yet (she is friends with the regular instructor who had to cancel last minute), but if the sub from yesterday had taught my first ever class, I never would have gone back!!!! She was boring & the moves were boring & the songs were boring. It was the complete opposite of what I know zumba to be! One of the girls left within 15 minutes! I was afraid to leave but I really wanted to. It was such a waste. Now I realize how spoiled I am with my 2 awesome instructors. They are never allowed to be out ever again!

    In other news, my weight dropped down to 174.4 this morning! WOO HOO! That's 3 lbs less that my last 2 weigh-ins the last 2 weeks of 177.4. I hope the number sticks, or even can drop a little lower by Sunday? I can't wait to get into the 160s.
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Yayyyyy!! I'm on my way to my 20 pounds. Since the challenge has begun I've lost 7 pounds! I'm 1 pound away from 40 lb lost and 3 pounds away from my 10 lb goal too!!
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey folks!

    I got a message from a member that said my thread was "too out of control"... I'm not quite sure what that means. Is this not user friendly to everyone? I'm very confused..
  • I want in!!!
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    i' m in. I need motivation major. as of 10-17-11 my weight was 274! feel free to add me to help motivate and keep me in line!!!
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Hey folks!

    I got a message from a member that said my thread was "too out of control"... I'm not quite sure what that means. Is this not user friendly to everyone? I'm very confused..
    ??? No idea. Ask them what they're talking about?
  • Im in :)
  • Tsdennis
    Tsdennis Posts: 45 Member
    Im in! I had a baby 5 weeks ago im currently 160. I would love to lose 20 lbs by Christmas.
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    Hey folks!

    I got a message from a member that said my thread was "too out of control"... I'm not quite sure what that means. Is this not user friendly to everyone? I'm very confused..


    Definitely ask them.
  • cschu544
    cschu544 Posts: 320 Member
    Check out my new progress photo ladies! I encourage you to post one, too! Even if you're still in progress like me :)
  • fitnowandforever
    fitnowandforever Posts: 128 Member
    Tried Zumba for the first time yesterday! And I have to say... I LOVE IT! It was such a blast - time just flew by - and everything was aching but I wanted to keep grooving :) I am officially on the Zumba wagon, world! :bigsmile:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hey folks!

    I got a message from a member that said my thread was "too out of control"... I'm not quite sure what that means. Is this not user friendly to everyone? I'm very confused..
    ??? No idea. Ask them what they're talking about?

    I agree!..no clue either?!