

  • I totally agree with you! I feel like I eat way more then I used to. But I know all my food choices are good ones.
  • I was really struggling last week, nothing green looked good to me unless it came in the shape of a soda can. now this week I'm doing great! I always have ups and downs. you can do this! anything worth having is worth fighting for:) just keep thinking that. you'll make it:) I was oing great, losing some weight and then I…
  • Rock on you guys! This is awesome! I'm so excited to have you guys walk this journey with me! its easier with friends! I think I got everyone added as friends, but if I missed someone, just add me:)
  • I can always use support of a friend. I struggle with chips, I love them to much:) you can ad me as a friend. I'm 22 and have about 50lbs to lose. Alisha
  • congrats! I'm only one pound down....but I've only been bere for 3 days. maybe wwe will both be new people next year......except I dont' live on an island:) you go!
  • Good Luck! I just started to! I'm excited.
    in HI ALL Comment by Reshie May 2010