2nd week blues

I find im struggling a bit this week.did anyone else struggle in their 29d week? Need some motivation please


  • Reshie
    Reshie Posts: 12
    I was really struggling last week, nothing green looked good to me unless it came in the shape of a soda can.
    now this week I'm doing great! I always have ups and downs.
    you can do this! anything worth having is worth fighting for:) just keep thinking that.
    you'll make it:)
    I was oing great, losing some weight and then I fell off the wagon so to speak (moutain dew) and I gained it all back and then some, but this will change.
    what are you struggling with?
  • sabrads
    sabrads Posts: 152
    The second week can be bad - you are putting your body through detox and changing what you eat and the exercise levels - I found that I just focused on each day at a time - stayed away from the scales and only weigh myself once a week at the same time on the same day.

    Then I also took measurements of my neck, waist and hips which I also take weekly. This gives me another way to measure change.

    Stick with it - once your body adjusts to the new regime then it will become better.