finkkm Member


  • You don't have to do cardio to have abs... you just have to have a low body fat percentage... that is why ppl that are skinny that do crunches & have little fat have a well defined stomach.... so ppl such as me need to worry about losing the weight, before toning...
  • I'm sure you are going to be a great mom :heart:
  • I :heart: gin and tonics
  • Nature's Path ~ Flaxplus granola... it is naturally sweet, and it has omega 3's & 6's that you would find in fish, bc of the various seeds it has... I put it in my yogurt every morning or just with milk.... so good
  • I'm studying abroad in Hong Kong, I joined this site about 3 months ago so I could lose weight before returning home for Christmas... and I've lost 15 lbs. So you can totally do it if I can. I love this site! :heart:
  • I chew gum when I get a craving for something sweet, or I'll buy a Dove small dark chocolate candy bar... I justify eating the chocolate because it has antioxidants... haha still not good for me, but its a smaller portion, and better than milk chocolate. I tried cutting sugar out of my diet completely but then I would just…
  • I'm suppose to eat 1200 calories a day, but I usually eat more like 1400 and I'm full and happy... and then I exercise burning usually between 600-700 calories 5 times a week... and I've lost about a pound per week... so I've lost 15 lbs. in the past 4 months.
  • What a let down on Curves part, you would think that they should be able to accurately monitor your progress... :mad: that would make me angry, especially since you are paying for their service...
  • My mom did herbalife about 6 years ago and dropped 30 lbs... She wasn't able to afford anything but the pills... but our neighbor sold herbalife, and said that if you substitute slimfast shakes for their shakes it was the exact same thing... so she bought the white & green pills and slimfast and used them together... it's…
  • If nothing else this site really does make you realize what you are eating. That was the key for me, I could see what I wasn't getting enough of like protein, and see what I was getting to much of like calories/fat. So for me I just had to change what I was eating, and not the amount I was eating. It made a world of…
    in New Comment by finkkm December 2007
  • I have a question with this as well... in my case I eat 2000 calories a day, so it seems that I am getting the nutrition that I need and my body shouldn't be going into starvation mode... I burn 1000 calories in exercise a day, so although my goal calories are 1200 I have 200 extra calories... it seems like this wouldn't…
  • I guess I'm just kind of mad at myself for losing motivation for a whole week. I'm in Hong Kong and I'm going back to the states in 10 days... so although I'm not going to be able to lose 8 lbs. by the time I head back, I'm going to go for a realistic 2. It's hard to log meals when I travel so much, but maybe it will be…
  • So I started using this site a little over 2 months ago... and I've lost 12 lbs. Right now I'm at the point where I feel like wow I've done so good so far, but now I'm not going anywhere just staying at the same weight. I need to lose 8 more lbs... I just am not motivated anymore. :huh:
  • Wow congratuations! :) You've lost a lot of weight that is amazing! This site really is cool, it makes counting calories easy and even fun. I've only been using it for a month and I've lost 5lbs. so thats a healthy rate that I'm excited about. Welcome! :)
  • ugh I am so with you on this one
  • Congratulations! That is fabulous! :) :) :)
  • That article actually helped a lot with a question I had about aerobic and weight training... Thanks :)
  • That is amazing, I'm so happy for you! :) Congratulations!
  • I'm a vegetarian as well, and I love to eat almonds and hummus to get my protein, as well as lowfat yoghurt. So good! :) And may I add I think your decision to eat vegetarian cusine Is FABULOUS!!! :)
  • Load up on nuts, they are full of fats, but are still healthy, and offer a lot of protein so that you can gain or maintain muscle! :) Good luck!
  • I hope you have someone to hold your hand through it all, I need someone when I just have shots. I hope everything goes as well as can be expected, doesn't sound like a lot of fun. My prayers are with you. :) Keep positive!
  • I have the same situation, I've lost 4 lbs. in the last 4 days. I'm not complaining, but I also don't think that it will last longer than 2 weeks.
  • Hello, I am new as well. :) My goal is to lose 2 pounds a week until Christmas. Altogether 18lbs. just over the freshman fifteen that I've put on. This website is amazing, it really has made me think about the nutritional value of the things that I eat. Wish me luck, and I hope everyone is doing good sticking to their…
  • Sounds amazing thanks