

  • I am proud of the fact that i went from weighing 285 to weighing 190 and have maintained that weight for about 3 years. i might be having a really, REALLY hard time with getting to my goal of 155 but i haven't gained that weight back.
  • I like to add raw broccoli and cauliflower, cucumber, dried fruit and cabbage just to give it more flavor. I also mix 1 tablespoon of dressing with 1 teaspoon of heart healthy oil.
  • Thank you for all the information. I have an older HRM. It's a Polar F6. The reason I posted this question is because the calorie burn on my HRM has something to do with this number. I seem to burn a lot of calories while working out. I like to workout with my heart rate between 145bpm -160bpm. I did some hill drills on…
  • Good Morning, I set up my HRM with my age and weight and it tells me what my range is. Mine is around 127-146 BPM. Does your HRM have that option?