

  • Thanks everyone, I did end up joining and going to give it a go for 6 weeks and we will see how it works out. I am hoping in six weeks to at least have lost 12-15 lbs or more so we will see how it goes, i will keep you all posted. I plan to hope to use this site as well, if I can find the time too, as having a 8 month old…
  • Thanks every one I am going to go see what WW has to offer me and take it from there, wish me luck!
  • Im from Winnipeg!! Originally from Capreol Ontario!!
  • I love my pop... n regular kinds mainly pepsi, I know this is not good for you, but this is what I have done so far, went from a 755ml bottle to a 385 can now im just drinking the half size can ones! which seem to help with my headaches from withdrawal if i dont have one. I cant see myself stopping cold turkey as i get…
  • Well it looks like alot of new mommies are using this site, yeeehhhh!! Soon I am hoping to be a yummy mommy lol not only for myself but for my man n my 5 month old son. I have been faithfully exercising n eating good for almost 4 weeks now and this week has been the hardest, guess this is when i usually give up due to not…
  • I think the children should be pulled from her till, she makes better choices for herself and her children. Not only is she killing herself she's killing her children!
  • Hummmm. you know Heather I never set any goals for myself lol!!!! I guess it would be a good idea to set some to strive to achieve them. well my first goal would be to lose 20lbs by July 1st only 16 more lbs to go second goal would be to lose a total of 40 by Sept 1st third goal would be to lose a total of 65 lbs by Nov…
  • Slowly but surely I'm getting there!
  • im in, just need to set up my ticker thingy and im good to go!!
  • I too am trying to lose some of my pregnancy weight gain, I had my baby 5 months ago....and just now I am starting to get serious! What is working for me is that when my boy is ready for his am nap n pm nap, I take him for a walk in the stroller, I do an hour in the am and an hour in the pm, this way he gets a good nap and…
  • I'm living in Winnipeg Manitoba right now, I do call this home, but i was raised and brought up in Capreol Ontario, north of Sudbury Ontario, good luck to everyone, I am going out and buying the 30 day shred im reading some much about it!!
  • I had my first 5 months ago, and just starting to seriously to exercise faithfully and eat better, I had a long recovery from the birth of my BIG guy!! lol I am finding it hard though to get to the gym sometimes, as i don't have family here to help with watching my guy while i go , so i go on my hubby's days off!! Better…
  • I live in Canada so i will check around at walmart or zellers
  • wheni eat my tacos i wrap my taco stuff in lettuce leafs instead of taco shells!! 0 cal n so on
  • whats the 30 day shred program ??