

  • Thanks for the link!
  • I lost a lot of weight a few years ago doing Turbo Jam and walking. I moved on to Turbo Fire, but really liked Turbo Jame better. I would love to do Turbo Jam again, but spend 90% of my time in a hotel room. I'm sure the people below me wouldn't like it much.
  • Hi, I'm Kim. I'm 46 and have had a weight problem for over 25 years. In 2010 I lost 48 lbs and felt great. I worked about about 2 hours a day. I injured my shoulder and kept working out until the pain was unbearable. I finally took the doctor's advice and stopped the workouts. Well, instead of slowing down, I stopped…
  • Awesome. There's a huge difference already in your face. Congrats. My ticker says 34, but I actually hit 40 lbs gone today.
  • I get up about 5:15 every morning. I do Turbo Jam workouts at home, usually 45 to 50 minutes and then I walk 3 miles, hit the shower and head to work. Something always happens when I try to do it after work. My kids are grown, but are still around. Someone always shows up at our house, kids, grandkids, friends. It never…
  • I think I hit the wrong reply button, oh well, at lease I'm in the right topic.
  • I've been there too. I have hit a plateau 4 times in 10 years at the same weight. (well, within about 5 lbs). I always gave up and let the weight come back. This time I didn't. I was stuck for 30 days. I increased my calories by 200 a day. Nothing happened the first week, but I lost 5 lbs the 2nd week. Crazy!!! Anyway, I'm…
  • Oh yea and I do have Jillian Michael's 30 day shred too. It is tough on me, but I'm not real good with push ups and jumping jacks. I might have to try that one on him.
  • Thanks everyone for all your help. He does drink light beer and not much of it ton week days, weekends are a different story. I have started getting up earlier to help him have something decent to eat for breakfast. I do have a lot more time than him. I really didn't want to do everything for him, but looks like I'm gonna…
  • Thanks everyone for all your help. He does drink light beer and not much of it ton week days, weekends are a different story. I have started getting up earlier to help him have something decent to eat for breakfast. I do have a lot more time than him. I really didn't want to do everything for him, but looks like I'm gonna…
  • Good luck to you. My goal is 140. I just passed my halfway point to my goal this week. It definitely can be done!!!
  • I'm having it for lunch today too, wish some celery. I love it. I think sun dried tomato is on the agenda for today.
  • I drink Shakeology every day. Sometimes breakfast, sometimes lunch, sometimes dinner. They are a great nuttritional value, not just a sugar spike like a lot of shakes out there. You can check them out here.
  • Turbo Jam, hands down!!! It's awesome. I've lost 30 lbs since mid May using it! You can order it here It is very fun. I just started doing it high impact about 4 weeks ago and still got the results I needed. 35 lbs to go!!!
  • Beachbody is a great site. Great support and products. You can order it here