

  • Slim-in-six! It's an older set I've had for about 9 yrs but its always my go to, I love it and it works well and not too intense.
  • Started it today!
    in day 1 Comment by MoeJay April 2012
  • I did the program along with WWatchers about 8yrs ago and loved it lost about 30lbs, it's been my go to workout since but not much over the last 3yrs now 30lbs back on not sure if I should do something else I get kinda board w it now that I no it so well, but it does work?!?!
    in day 1 Comment by MoeJay April 2012
  • Would love to hear some feedback on this too! Been wanting to do a cleanse for a while but not sure which one?
  • Hi! Mom of 2 in SE GR, been a yoyo dieter all my life, been in a slump and really need to lose 20lbs ASAP! Looking for support and people who can relate.
  • I'm at 160, tomorrow will be day 1 for me (again) :) I'd like to say 125 but realistically more like 140.