I saw it last night and yes its very scary and some funny parts too. The only thing i didnt like was the ending that was pretty stupid in my opinion. I wouldnt definitely watch the first 2 before seeing this one so you know the story behind all of it :)
im sick with sinuses and allergies. i googled the same thing and it says if your sickness is from the neck up your ok to exercise but if you start getting tired and feeling worse to rest. It says if you have anything from the neck as in fatigue, chills, fever, upset stomach, bad cough, congestion then to wait for a few…
I like it because it makes you feel good that you are sticking to it and having the extra motivation counts. I dont see what the big deal is tho to make a topic about it if you dont want to see it i guess dont look or get on another site. Not everybody is the same and just because you dont like it doesnt mean you have to…
Thanks so 100 lbs is alot of weight....if you dont care that i ask what are yall doing to lose weight?