Yeah, you got it worked out and you can do it, I have no doubt. :)
Yeah, most people don't really understand what your going through and believe you can just eat less sugar and voila your saved. I had to hardline it and remove pretty much all sugar and associated carbs although blueberries in my full fat yogurt seems to be fine. I hope you work things out and maybe start with a whole food…
For sure ddsb1111, there are outliers for every diet conceivable. :)
Like I said with the diet I and many others have chosen which is a ketogenic diet people eat until they're full and then stop, which turns out to be one of the best aspect of the diet. Most, almost all actually don't think in terms of calories, although some do, which personally I believe there's a medical or biological…
Yep, basically, barring medical conditions :#
One of my health issues years ago was rheumatoid arthritis in my knees and hands, mostly left hand and remember that rheumatoid arthritis along with collagen degradation and plantar fascia where basically tightly connected to chronic inflammation. The diet I'm on is pretty much a diet with the least amount of inflammation…
Ok, thanks for the response and explanation. I am surprised though that your naturopathic doctor prescribed Zepbound when considering it's a medication. Anyway, I hope your weight loss continues, but you do know what more than likely will happens after someone comes off these medications, right?
I said IF was a different biological process than autophagy and not that, IF wasn't a biological process. IF is basically a dietary eating pattern that improves our insulin sensitivity and help reduce inflammation, it increases HGH (human growth hormone) that can help protect lean mass in the absence of energy, which can…
Intermittent fasting and autophagy are two separate biological actions. The media and how they generally disseminate information is generally wrong most of the time and 16:8 is not wrong per se because autophagy happens 24 hours a day, it's mostly to promote Intermittent fasting which is totally different biologically, but…
@ddsb1111 Well, I don't think it terms of calories, calories don't mean much too me. I think it terms of food, which foods allow me to eat less while feeling full the longest, that's pretty much it. I've lost 65lbs and have been successful keeping it off for over a decade, your results may vary.
What chemical imbalance did your Doctor say you have?
An omnivore diet does mean you can also consume fish. Sounds like the last 50 years of red meat dogma has worn you down and apparently eggs aren't any better as well. Your always welcome back. :)
Generally speaking if someone loves carbs and is hesitant consuming animal protein for whatever reason, then it will be a difficult ask of your body and mind to conform and it sounds like you might fall into this category and you just might have to try all the usual suspects for weight loss and the obvious one here is…
Lots of bad things happen when fat cells are full, no doubt about that. The body can and will create new fat cells through a process called adipogenesis which is basically referred to as adipocyte hypertrophy and then when the expansion capacity is maxed out, the body starts to form new fat cells (hyperplasia) to store the…
How's your lactic acid burn from exercising, recovery and energy levels throughout the day?
Do you wear a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) that allow someone to track their blood sugar in real time. How do you know your blood sugar is "dropping badly" I guess that is my question, or is this what your Doctor told you without offering any explanation? Anyway, if your blood sugar is dropping well below base line…
Well they are selling memberships to engage. With 66 patient reviews from "verified patients" which is a tell right there and they're all 5 star with not 1 bad review and they're all 1 sentence glowing reports that read like it was written by the same person, but I do agree with you on face value, sure, who wouldn't.
- Not sure if they're related in any way but both are selling people solutions with different supplemental approaches, you be the judge.
Anyway, what Tom said and if I could do it over I would have been more invested in the research of Biological Anthropology which would have saved me a couple of years of floundering around before I found a solution that worked for my personal medical conditions which included losing 60lbs and being in maintenance for over…
What's going on Tom, I'm starting to agree with some of your statements lately. :#
Just thought I'd mention it springer. Also you don't need to be diabetic or even close to being diabetic to have a hypoglycemic event. It basically can result from the pancreases reaction (over production of insulin) to a particular meal and over exercising can cause a hypoglycemic event as well. Also hyperglycemic events…
Or being hypoglycemic. Why would you think dozing off is a sign of undereating when you just finished having lunch? :)
Yeah, been using squash blossoms for years. For the last 10 years I get them for free from a local farmer that also supplies chefs in the area, including me. Anyway, I'm up before the sun to pick them, they're wide open in the morning and easier to work with and the key to freshness that lasts the longest and I put them in…
While I don't actually disagree with his meal plan, it's not bad and probably better than 90% of what people in developing nations eat but his evidence is actually not based in real science but observational data, so basically opinion. Like I said people could do a lot worse and his meal plan is a decent one. When someone…
Thanks springer and very nice of you to say. cheers. :)
Consuming offal is not an American thing but carnivores from other Countries do partake. Personally I would consume liver and do and yes it certainly would help in certain vit & minerals for example Vit A, C, folate, copper and choline are better served consuming liver. Saying that, many people have been consuming pretty…
Hey springer, The guideline for carnivore are pretty basic, eat only animal derived foods, eat until your full, rinse and repeat. The only concern is not getting enough fat because of the decades saying to avoid them, so that is real and a concern. Keto on the other hand is to make sure the carb sources don't exceed 20g's…
Yes talk to your doctor especially if your on medication. Not sure in your diabetic, pre diabetic or have insulin resistance but generally this is the demographic where it happens the most. This is my basic understanding of the situation and I'm not trained in nutrition or have credentials, so like I said this is my basic…
The 10mg to avoid scurvy is pretty well known, studies (science) looking at carnivores and Vit C go back to the 1940's and it's also in that 20 year old study you provided. I'm sure all the people that are on the carnivore diet that aren't dead from scurvy have gathered together to create this elaborate conspiracy just to…
@mrbretmaye thanks for you story. A familiar motif for pretty much all that end up doing carnivore. :)