neanderthin Member


  • You need to try them all. :#
  • Yeah, 61 grams is the amount of actual protein in the food and not the weight of the foods that have protein. 61 grams in protein represents 244 calories and for example that represents about 8 oz of skinless chicken breast or 1 lb of dry pasta etc, etc.
  • Actually that makes total sense considering tofu, especially a softer type would blend quite easily into the overall texture of guac and tofu really is quite neutral in taste and would adopt the overall flavor profile of the other ingredients and considering it's added protein I suspect that would be a plus, especially for…
  • this is the study your referring to. The effect of apple cider vinegar on lipid profiles and glycemic parameters: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials Please read the discussion and conclusions. While…
  • While detoxes might sound appealing it's better to embark on a healthy lifestyle or continue with one that supports the bodies own detoxification processes which are, no doubt safer and a more effective approach, imo.
  • Well they keep saying eat less and move more, maybe you can find the formula where almost all fail, I mean they must be right and suspect the world of overweight people just aren't doing it right. :#
  • A sugar bomb, wonderful. :#
  • It's obvious from this observer that you need to have professional and experienced guidance before surgery and not look for ideas that might help your situation and not from casual conversation over the internet, imo. I will say that with enough weight loss surgeries can sometimes be delayed or called off entirely, so…
  • I consume a higher protein diet with low carbs and higher fat, and that works for me. Basically protein should be your focus with carbs and fat as mostly energy sources. It's a sliding scale and many different configurations can and do work.
  • Yeah, I'm somewhat familiar with this but it's based in my research into circadian rhythm, which is based in the science of chronobiology which basically is referring to our hormonal regulation that work with daylight and nighttime basically our 24 hour internal clock along with every other plant and animal on this planet.…
  • It's always good to get a wider perspective as opposed to research that only supports ones beliefs and I'm not saying this applies to you personally, just in general. Anyway food for thought.
  • I don't count calories and haven't for a while, a decade or so, and have no problem with hunger one way or the other. Basically I eat until I'm comfortably full, then stop. Satiety is basically the opposite of hunger and every food will have, if you like, a satiety value, mostly universally accepted and researched but each…
  • Yeah, pretty simple. I use white onion which is what is used in Mexico for the most part, some chopped tomato, garlic, not too much that has been crushed and mashed using a little sea salt, lime juice, jalapeno and cilantro. Different proportions of these ingredients make a big difference in taste so finding the right…
  • Take an Italian ciabatta roll, make some nice meatballs and get some imported Italian tomatoes and make a tomato sauce and put it all together and add it to the ciabatta, a tasty Mediterranean meat ball sub. just kidding, but I would do it. >:)
  • I love this place. :D
  • Yeah, diet doctor is not Bret Schers website, he's an employee of diet doctor and a member of their board along with another 20 or so doctors and addition staff. And surprisingly enough he manages other sources of income other than sitting on the diet doctor board and the one your talking about is his own website where he…
  • Yeah, diet doctor is not that. It's pretty much a click away from doing some investigation to actually see what they're all about and I suspect you didn't do that. They have a few hundred video's interviewing individual scientists, PhD's in their field and discussing nutrition from every angle, which began in 2019 and the…
  • Probably seeking out someone that is a professional dietitian with experience in eating disorder recovery. imo
  • Well hopefully you don't change jobs frequently. :#
  • Just finished a 5 egg fluffy omelet with sauteed streaky bacon, red onion, mushroom, Saint Andre cheese, roasted yellow pepper, Greek pepperoncini and basil cooked in butter.
  • I would have thought that weight loss would have been the more important factor for weight loss. :)
  • Not sure what you mean by clean keto or plain keto, that doesn't make much sense. Yeah, keto's been more popular in the last few decades and now that is quite popular the food industrial complex is looking to make money from it, so yeah don't be fooled if there's a list of ingredients in that beautifully packaged and…
  • If your trying a low carb diet just for weight loss, which I suspect is the reason your thinking of this, but I may be wrong, it's just my opinion. If your confused about what a low carb food even looks like, which should be a pretty simple search, then I wouldn't even bother trying low carb and just eat whatever you like…
  • I generally get my food locally and seasonally for the most part and I support my local farmers who practice responsible and sustainable farming and crop rotation using natural fertilizers etc. Organic farming can lead to soil that supports plants with higher micronutrient and phytochemical content which gets taken up by…
  • Well, if someone needs to use calorie counting in order to lose weight and maintain then any data is useful and suspect most would agree it's useful.
  • Yeah, sorry, that hasn't changed my mind at all. I'm very familiar with chronic fatigue, been down that rabbit hole with an extended family member who was bed ridden for 2 years from chronic fatigue where someone had to feed her and needed a wheelchair to get around, and even that was fatiguing for her. She has gotten a…
  • Yeah, sometimes blood sugar stays elevated after eating a meal and takes longer to come down.
  • Yes it's fine and helps being more insulin sensitive over the course of a day. You should also talk with a professional about managing your carbohydrate tolerance for better blood sugar control and perform a OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) and understanding the importance of glycemic control that helps to keep your…
  • I understand your tired a lot but imo you aren't actually describing chronic fatigue.