

  • I'm on board! I meant to start last night but forgot that we were having house guests. Feel free to add me if you want. I could use the encouragement and accountability. I started it before my wedding and had good results. I got 10 days in and had to stop or else my wedding dress would have been too big. Now I'm back on…
  • I have a somewhat similar story. My fiance and I went to the same college and had mutual friends, but we did not know each other in college. We knew of each other, but did not know each other personally (and that's probably for the best.) He was in the Army reserves through college and enrolled in the Individual Ready…
  • I started it last week, did it Tuesday and Wednesday, went to my wedding dress fitting on Thursday and was told not to lose any more weight or else they would have to take my dress in on the sides. I stopped, but decided to do Day 3 on Saturday because I have weighed the same amount and have had the same measurements for…
  • I have plateaued too, but only for about 3 weeks. Can someone take a look at my diary too? Thanks!
  • I think it's all a matter of personal preference. My wedding dress is a corset back because that's the dress I fell in love with. I don't find it uncomfortable at all and like the fact that it can be synched down tight so I don't have to worry about it sliding down like strapless dresses sometimes do. I also like the fact…
  • I had my measurements taken when I bought my wedding dress back in November. I plan on calling the store and asking what they were, then measuring now. Hopefully that shows some sort of difference. I thought I could see the results in my face and legs, but now I'm not so sure.
  • I'm glad to hear that I am not alone either! I am baffled and frustrated.
  • Yep. I weigh myself first thing in the morning and usually wear either my robe or underwear and a tank top.
  • I am 5'2 and currently 143lbs. I am getting married in August and would like to be 115-120 lbs. by then. My goal is more to look lean and toned -- not necessarily a number on the scale. If anyone wants to friend me, that would be great -- I could certainly use some motivation as I try to get back into the workout regiment.