

  • Thank you everyone, you've given some choices to choose from. Looks like I'll have to go to the market tonight. I wonder if I can get Natures Own at Trader Joes? I know they have Ezekiel bread there...
  • Both of those suggestions look great.! I looked them up on the computer and both of them are only sold farther east... I'm on the west coast and I don't think I can get either of them here. They are exactly what I'm looking for too...
  • Congratulations!!!!! I'm excited for you!! I'm working on getting below 200 my self and I know how good you must be feeling!!! Great job!!!
  • Thank you everyone... some good things to try! Not sure the fruit will work for me, it just doesn't satisfy me like a dessert item.. but absolutely will try the frozen crystal light... I also like the WW frozen desserts... thank you!!
  • I need help... I have a terrible sweet tooth and its my main downfall. Whenever I go out to dinner I always feel like the meal isn't complete with out something sweet after. Last night I went out and followed my program to a T but then made a detour to the store after for something sweet (cause I never keep anything in the…
  • Hi Julie! its good meeting you too! and I feel the same way... I think talking to other folks with the same issues and finding out how they overcame them will be very helpful. We're all in this together!!!
  • Congratulations!!! and thank you... I'm sure I will be asking for lots of help...:)
  • Thank you Renae and Laura, I'm really looking forward a new start!! And I agree "diet" is a bad term, since it hasn't worked for me in the past... I really need to make it lifestyle change so that I feel better and so that it is once and for all.
  • Thank you Ali!! I see how helpful and supportive everyone is and I 'm really happy to be here!
  • Hi, I'm new to the site, but I'm hoping that this will be the last time I have to lose this weight. I've been on many diets over the years, but only keep the weight off for a short time. I've made up my mind this is the last time!!! I love all the tools the site provides and the opportunity to talk to others going through…