craigp1981 Member


  • Just to update everyone, it's been a tough six weeks but I've lost 2 stone in my training and got through the race in 01:54:27. Way quicker than what I expected and less than 5 minutes slower than last years time. I feel happier with this years performance given what little time I left myself with to train. I probably…
  • That's what I'm starting to think. 1 long run on a weekend for endurance slowly building the time/distance up and a couple of medium runs through the week. I work 6-7 miles away from a gym where I do my weight training and the route I would take isn't too taxing so I think this would be my plan. It is my hope as I drop…
  • I forgot to add the injury was nothing more then bruising on the underside of one of my feet. No other issues elsewhere. In fact I could have trained on it if I had of stuck to a stationary bike as there would have been little impact on it. Stupidly I stopped training altogether. I only picked this up by pushing myself too…
  • It's hard to say without actually going out and trying it. The only thing I can compare it to was last April when I started the month running a mile and quickly got up to a mile and a half, 2, 3, 5 miles during the course of the month. I was then encouraged by colleagues to run to work otherwise they wouldn't sponsor me so…